Chapter 6

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Lyn awoke again to a soft prodding against her back. She groaned unpleasantly and glanced back. She found herself looking up into the grinning faces of two familiar wolves.

"What are you doing here?" Lyndis asked sleepily and she ran a hand up over her face and back through her hair.

"One word. Plumbing. I'm commandeering your shower for the next twenty minute or so." Vincent said with a grin.

"Me too... Oh... and those little monkeys missed you." Cedric added. Lyndis glowered at Vincent and Cedric, before she glanced to the foot of the bed. Iyana, Aurelia and Sylvie stood there. Lyn immediately sat up.

"Did you get permission for this?" Lyndis immediately snapped at Cedric. She didn't mean by the Lua Crianca pack; she knew they had a full pass to move throughout their territory, she meant from Geoffrey.

She doubted her father would have let them take the young ones out without at least one of the older members with them. Cedric just grinned a bit.

"Ehhh... kinda?" Vincent answered for him. Lyn immediately scowled at the 21-year-old twins. It didn't surprise her though; they were always doing this kind of thing. Lyn noticed another's heartbeat in the hallway, and she glanced over to her age-mate cousin, Thibault, who was acting a bit sheepish at the doorway.

She gave him the fiercest scowl yet. She expected this kind of thing from the twins, but not from Thibault. He was responsible!

"Hey now... I didn't know they didn't ask until we were at the door. This is so not my fault." Thibault defended himself. Lyn grumbled and glanced to the girls.

"Why are you sleeping?" Aurelia asked weirdly. Lyndis stared at her for a moment as she tried to come up with some excuse.

She never napped.

"Mated life changes you young one... I bet there is little left of the Lyndy we once knew." Cedric said dramatically. Lyn sent another scowl at him.

"Speaking of which... didn't waste much time didja? And I have to say cuz... I never pegged you as being a wild wolf. Is there a surface in this house you haven't done it on?" Vince started with his largest grin yet.

Lyn couldn't keep herself from turning bright red; she knew Gaius's and her's scents were all over the house.

Sometimes she hated being a wolf...

She immediately shot him a dark glare and cast a quick glance to the young ones. Vincent just chuckled.

"What? They have no idea what I'm talking about." Vince said. Lyndis looked over at them. Aurelia was looking at her brothers with a look of genuine confused innocence. Sylvie too glanced back at Thibault, her own brother, but he quickly glanced away. It was obvious he was going to have none of that conversation.

Lastly, Lyndis's gaze fell on Iyana. Iyana was looking off to the side a bit, her expression slightly annoyed. Even at ten years old, Iyana had always been far more intelligent than her age should allow. An 'old soul' her mother would say. Lyndis sometimes forgot her sister was so young; she was far too world wise for her own good.

It was clear that unlike her cousins, she understood what they said, even if she'd never received 'that' talk yet. All three of them were way too young. Lyndis shot Vincent another glare for good measure.

"Anyway... shower? This way? Yes? Good. Thanks." Vincent said in quick succession as he headed back into her bathroom and slammed the door. Lyndis grumbled a bit.

"You got any extra shampoo or anything?" Ced asked next. Lyndis sighed a bit and ran her hand up over her face and back through her hair again.

"I think there might be some in the cabinet in the other bathroom," Lyndis said. Cedric immediately headed off down the hall and brushed passed Thibault along the way. Lyndis pushed out of bed and saw the slightly envious glance Thibault cast him. Lyndis sighed again.

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