Chapter 15

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Lyndis awoke to his firm nuzzling. She took a slow breath as she felt the strong surge from his wolf. It wasn't quite lust, but he wanted her.

Lyn tilted her head to the side as he climbed over her and nuzzled against her neck. He ran his lips slowly down to the curve of her shoulder as he pushed her thighs spread to straddle his hips. She stiffened slightly just before he bit down, hard.

Lyndis' breath hitched as she felt her eyes glaze with her wolf. She didn't have to see him to know his eyes were glazed as well. She felt his wolf.

Lyn took several deep breathes as she expected him to mount her, but he didn't. Unlike the last time she felt this need from him, he was taking it slow. She felt him first trail kisses down to her shoulders and arms. Lyn stared up at the ceiling, unable to look at him. Her emotions were all over the place, especially as the meaning wasn't lost on her.

She felt the apology in his movements.

He moved down slowly and lavished each of her nipples with attention. By the time he kissed his way down over her stomach Lyn's toes were already curling, and her breath was ragged. She arched her hips as his warm mouth found her center.

Lyn buried her hands in his hair as he focused his attention on her clit. She tensed and squirmed against him, barely able to breathe. She felt so sensitive right now... it didn't take long for him to send her over the edge.

She was still floating in ecstasy when she felt him nuzzle warmly back into her neck as he pushed her thighs up onto his hips and slowly sunk into her squeezing tightness.

They both groaned in pleasure.

Lyn kept her hands in his hair as he started to move in a moderate pace. She was still sensitive from her high, and he was going so painfully slow compared to his usual rhythm. Lyn jerked her hips against his and growled lightly. He nipped gently against her jaw and obliged her by speeding up his pace.

It didn't take long before they came together.

Lyndis took several deep hard breaths the moment she was able. He had yet to push off her as he kissed and nuzzled against her neck and face. She could still feel him buried deep inside her as her inner muscles gently pulsed around him.

Finally, he pulled out and pushed away from her. Lyn laid there and watched him move to the side of the bed. He sat on the edge facing away from her. It was quiet for a time.

"We have to get them to my brother's," Gaius said quietly. The glow of the moment left her.

"It's not negotiable. You're not expected at the pack house today... so you can stay with them if you want." Gaius said. Lyndis sat up and tucked the sheet against her. Something in his demeanor was bothering her. She found she didn't want to fight with him.

"I'll be gone for a few days. Adriano will come by to check on you. Please don't do anything rash..." Gaius said. Lyndis immediately frowned.

"What? Where are you going?" Lyndis demanded. She couldn't help the panic from her wolf. Gaius shook his head.

"Nowhere, I'll be around if you really need me... I just have to take care of an obligation and won't be home for a few days." Gaius said. Lyndis didn't like the tone of his voice.

"I don't understand... why can't you come back?" Lyndis asked with confusion.

"I just can't," Gaius said as he stood. She watched him go into the bathroom, a moment later, the shower turned on. Lyn reluctantly got up to get dressed. She went downstairs and started making the girls breakfast.

Thirty minutes later, they were walking down the dirt road toward Aldous' house. Lyn felt strange as they moved up the pathway toward the door. She was carrying Adalyn. Gaius grabbed her arm and Lyn paused to glance back at him. He set down Sophie and took Adalyn from her arms to put her down as well.

Torn - BMS Companion Bookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें