Chapter 17

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"Lyn... talk to me," Gaius spoke gently as he grabbed her arm and brought her to a halt right before they got to the house. Lyn kept her eyes turned away. The moment she walked out of the chamber she hadn't said a word to him. He didn't push her, especially with the look on her face.

She just wanted to get out of there, and the majority of the walk home was in uncomfortable silence. She hadn't thought it possible, but she was even more disgusted with Vitor than before.

She knew Gaius hadn't heard any of it. The chamber was sound proof. She wanted to tell him all the horrible things that his own father had said about him, the male whose actions he so valiantly defended, but she'd never do that.

She'd never hurt him like that, despite the pain he caused her.

On the walk home, Lyndis had already decided she would never tell him. She'd just hate him enough for the both of them...

Lyndis glanced back at him. She didn't miss his constant attempts to inspect her without her noticing. She had no doubt he was trying to make sure she was unharmed. He really was horrible at hiding concern. Their eyes met then. His expression was one of expectation.

"I'm expected at the pack house every day and I'm to see him again in a month," Lyndis said. Gaius' expression fell. She hated the look in his eyes.

"Did he say anything else?" Gaius asked.

"I'm to have an audience with him every month from here on out," Lyndis said. Gaius' expression hardened. His hand trailed down along her arm before he let her go. Lyn turned and headed into the house. He followed close behind.

She went about their typical bedtime routine. Each of the girls got a turn on the phone before she tucked them in. She even let the toddlers talk for a little while. It no longer confused them so much.

Lyn hated that they had become accustomed to only hearing their parents' voices on the phone...

Afterward, she couldn't bring herself to talk much. Her mood was sour. She spoke to her mother mostly, and briefly to her father before saying goodnight.

When she climbed into bed, Gaius joined her. He pulled her into his arms. They said nothing else to each other.

Sleep did not come easy.


Gaius walked her to the packhouse the following morning after they got the girls ready and dropped them off. They spoke very little. Lyndis felt the odd tension between them, and she didn't even fully understand why. Could he sense that she wasn't telling him everything? She had no idea.

"I'll be back to get you later," Gaius said in a neutral tone. It had lost some of the warmth she was used to hearing from him.

"Okay," Lyndis said. An awkward moment of silence passed between them. Lyn fiddled for a moment before she turned to go. Gaius sighed deeply and reached out to catch her arm. She paused and glanced back. He leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"Don't get into any trouble." Gaius murmured quietly in French against her skin. Lyndis frowned and studied his eyes when he pulled away from her. He gave her a small smile before he turned and left.

Lyndis found Lipha and spent the day cleaning beside her.

Lipha was nearing the end of her pregnancy now, she only had just over a month to go, even though she looked like she'd pop any day now. Lyndis tried to do the more daunting tasks for her but Lipha insisted they each do their share.

Lyn couldn't help but admire her for that. She was clearly a tough female. Though Lyn was happy that Lipha would have time off with her new pup, especially as hard a worker as Lipha was, Lyn found she was dreading her absence.

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