Chapter 8: In which things become a bit awkward

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I have no idea what day I'm on in this story and they're only supposed to be here for a week. I should probably figure that out and a write a plot line. I think this is day 3? Also, have a picture of Wren. It's stolen from the Maze Runner movie, yes. Speaking of Nico though, has everyone here read Blood of Olympus already, or should I hold back on spoilers?

Leo and I got back on the road after a long discussion about our pasts and their similarities. I already felt one hundred times closer to Leo than I did to Nico, and I'd just officially met him today. Also, he was like, the best person ever. Not only was he hilarious and incredibly sympathetic, but he totally related to all of my problems. He'd helped me more today than a million psychologists had in years of therapy. Anyway, we didn't bother seeking Nico out to make sure he hadn't died or anything. Honestly, I wouldn't have cared if I never saw his face again. So we went ahead to Leo's campsite and retrieved he and Piper's belongings. When we got back to the cave, there was still no sign of Nico. Leo and I plopped on the floor and talked for a few hours.

"So what's for dinner?"

"Hm?" I had spaced out, staring at the spot where Nico had slept the night before. His bag was still laying on his blanket. I wondered absentmindedly if it would be too terribly rude to go through his things.

"What do you guys eat around here?"

"Um, we had squirrel stew last time. It was gross. Don't suppose you have a better idea?"

"I packed pop tarts and flaming hot Cheetos."

"Sweet, bring em out!"

Leo dug around in his bag and finally brought out the food. We sat there and talked while stuffing our faces. I realized I hadn't eaten since the first day and managed to eat 3 pop tarts and half the bag of Cheetos before Leo ripped them away from me.

"Sugar, how are you still skinny?" He asked, staring at my small frame in wonder.

"It's called not eating for two days, Leo."

"Two days? Holy Hephaestus, that's not healthy."

"I've been busy." I shrugged.

He gave me a sideways look before standing and grabbing my hand, pulling me up.

"What are you-- hey!" I shrieked as he slipped his hands beneath my knees and picked me up bridal style. "Leo, what are you doing?!"

"You're only like, 10 pounds! Put some weight on yourself, girl!"

"Put me down!" I cried, slapping him on the arm.

"Make me." He grinned.

"I will."

"Yeah? How?" All of a sudden, my chest felt very warm.

"I'll think of something." I lilted as I wrapped my hands around his neck. His eyes bore into mine as his impish grin turned into a soft half-smile. I found my eyes wandering over his features - the chiseled jaw, the olive skin, the plump lips that parted just so as I darted my eyes back up to his. I leaned in slowly with the subconscious intention of capturing his soft lips in mine. His eyes darted back and forth between my eyes and my lips before slowly closing shut and inclining his chin towards my lips, torturously close. I moved to close the gap once and for all, but didn't get quite that far.

"What's going on here?"

I practically leapt out of Leo's arms and turned around sharply to see Nico in the doorway of the cave, holding a basket of berries.

"I - where'd you get the basket?" I squeaked, swallowing guiltily.

Nico slowly looked down at the basket, an expression of confusion on his face.

"I made it. Here." His features suddenly hardened and he shoved it into my hands. "I apologize for how I acted earlier." He said blandly, glaring at me.

"Um, thanks." I looked back at Leo, whose eyes were wide in shock. He blinked rapidly and cleared his throat awkwardly, snapping his jaw shut.

Nico looked at him with disgust and walked over to his corner of the cave. "Sorry to interupt your makeout session there, guys. I'll just get out of your way."

"We weren't-"

"Oh come on Leo. Don't pretend I didn't see that. You were freaking holding her!'

"I was just...trying to brighten her up."

"By kissing her? Wow, what a brilliant idea." He said sarcastically, striding up to him and pushing him back angrily.

"Woah man! I'm not the one who called her a murderer, maybe you should get your shit together and treat her like a lady!" he shoved him back against the cave wall.

"That's rich coming from the guy that decided to kiss her the first day you meet!" His voice elevated to all out shouting as Nico grabbed Leo's shoulder and punched him square in the jaw.

"Nico, Leo! Stop it!" I shrieked, watching helplessly as the two grappled. Leo gave Nico a strong punch in the gut and he stumbled back into me, knocking me against one wall of the cave. I grabbed him firmly around the waist before he could move and shoved him behind me. "Stop it, both of you!" I commanded, pressing my back into Nico's chest protectively as Leo marched over angrily and Nico struggled behind me futilely, trying to buck me off of of him.

"Wren, you're protecting him? This guy has been a total asshole to you this entire time and you're protecting him!" Leo shouted at me.

"She's protecting you, you bastard!" Nico yelled from behind me and ducked under my arm, lunging for Leo. I caught him around the wrist and forced him to face me.

"What are you so mad about?! Is it the kiss? Is it? Is that why you're mad?"

"No. Yes. I don't know. I don't like him, Wren! I don't like that he kissed you-"

"We didn't even kiss!" Leo growled.

"You were about to! And you just met her! Today!"

"Why do you even care, bro? It's not like she's your girlfriend, you don't even know how to treat her right!"

"What, and you do?" I felt him starting to push past me and I shoved him against the wall, a hand on either shoulder.

"Hey! It doesn't matter, alright? Get over it! Even if I did kiss him, it's not for you to decide who I make out with!"

"Wren, I know that. I- I'm sorry, I just..." His voice softened and he ran a hand through his hair. "I think- I mean, you're the only person who's made an effort to get to know me in a long time. I just...I'm a protective person. I don't want anything to happen to you." His eyes searched mine nervously and I stared at him in shock.

"Did you just- are you saying I'm a friend?"

"! I just...I care about you. But we are not-"

"Oh." I said, disappointedly removing my hands from his shoulders.

"Give it up, di Angelo. You just admitted your platonic love to her." Leo said blandly, rolling his eyes and marching outside.

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