Chapter 6: At the Cave

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HOLY HADES IT'S AN UPDATE! How long has it been since I published? Like a month? Two? Ugh, sorry xP

Once in the cave, Nico laid down on my mat in exhaustion. I set out another mat for Piper, and Leo set her down.

"So aren't you just a little concerned that Piper hasn't woken at all?"

Leo pursed his lips and didn't say anything.

I grabbed an instant ice pack from my backpack and gave it to Leo.

"What's this for?"

"You've got a nasty lump on your back there."

"Thanks." He placed it on his back, wincing, and leaned against the cave.

"So what happened anyway?" Nico spoke up.

"Um, Piper and I were food-hunting and then that thing showed up and attacked her. I think Chiron and the Hephaestus cabin goes a bit overboard sometimes in their planning. Anyway, I heard her scream, saw the big furry thing, and fixed up this bulldozer that I found out here about two weeks ago and came running with that as fast as I could."

Nico just grunted.

"So what are we gonna do with Piper?"

"Well you're the healer, right?" Nico pointed out. "Or were you just lying that day in The Hearth?"

"I...well. It's been awhile since I've tried to heal anyone."

"You're the single most qualified person here, as setting her on fire might be a bad idea and I'm fairly certain Ghostie doesn't heal people."

I took a shaky breath and knelt next to Piper, laying my hands on her shoulders and closing my eyes.

Breathe. I thought, pressing down on her shoulders and opening my mind.

Healing is a weird thing, it's like this transparent vision of the person's body enters your mind, with the injured parts highlighted in red. And gosh did she have a lot of red. Her left foot was practically glowing, I'm guessing a lot of different broken bones in that, her right knee had a bit of stress on it, but nothing serious, two of her ribs were broken, as well as her right elbow and wrist, and her collarbone was near to breaking. The most concerning thing was her head though. The whole thing lit up red, there was definitely serious trauma there, and nothing Ambrosia and I could heal. I hurriedly focused my energy on little bits and pieces of her: healing her toes completely, but leaving the rest of the foot, fixing up that knee, healing a mild case of shin splints, influencing her two ribs in the right direction, though not completely healing them, doing nothing for the wrist and elbow, and sealing that clavicle right back up. I added an extra little surge of energy to her skull, trying to do as much as I could until the medics got here. I exhaled deeply and removed myself from the trance.

As soon as I was back, I blinked a few times, called the medics via her bracelet, and leapt for the bottle of ambrosia.

"Why are you calling the medics?" Nico asked

"She has major head trauma, it needs real healing, not something an amateur can do." I shoved the bottle of ambrosia into a very panicked-looking Leo's hand. "Give her a little of that. Only a little." Grabbing the gauze from my backpack, I wrapped her foot and wrist hastily, trying to get it finished before--

"Medics are here!" Leo exclaimed, clearly relieved.

Will Solace and his team walked in with a stretcher and headed straight for Piper.

"So what's the situation here?" Ryan, my favorite half-brother, asked.

"Head trauma, broken foot and ankle (left), broken ribs, and a broken elbow and wrist on the right. I healed her collarbone, knees, and toes, but...well, I'm a bit rusty, you know."

Will gave me a sympathetic glance and clapped me on the shoulder. "Hey. You did well today. We'll take care of Piper, don't you worry."

Another cabinmate laughed and said "wow, still afraid of healing? How long has it been, like 4 years?" I looked down, embarrassed, I could feel her amused stare on me as well as Leo's curious one, and worse still, Nico's searching glare.

"Leah, shut your whore mouth and try actually doing your job." Ryan jumped to my defense, helping Will and Rosie get Piper onto the stretcher.

"I can't help it if she's a chicken."

"And she can't help it if she was 12 and at home when she got her power surge, as compared to you, who didn't get them until last year at camp. Now really, shut up and help us."

"Oh my gods Ryan, don't be so-"

"Bitch, I will cut you. Get your ass over here and help the freaking injured girl!"

She finally shut up and I shot an appreciative smile at Ryan, awkwardly folding my hands behind my back as they walked out the door with Piper on the stretcher. Will stayed behind.

"Hey, don't listen to Leah okay?" He gave me a quick yet firm hug and turned to Leo. "As for you, you can either join this group or go on solo. Piper will have to drop out. Anyway, I'll leave that decision to you guys, I've got to get back to the group. Good luck!" He clapped me on the shoulder and nodded to Leo and Nico, then walked out of the cave.

"So..." Leo started. "Can I stay with you guys?"

"Why-" I began to reply, until Nico cut me off.

"Absolutely not."

Leo and I looked at Nico; Leo startled, myself annoyed.

"Why not?" I said, repeating myself.

"For one, I already have to deal with you and your poor logic and fighting skills. For another thing, I don't even know your secrets, and I've only traveled a little with Leo. I don't know if we can trust him."

"Dude, we saved the flaming world together."

"Along with seven others. And hell, I spent more time with Reyna than with you anyway."

"I think Leo has several valuable assets. He has supplies from both he and Piper, skills with fire, quick wit, quick feet, and..."

"And an open heart!" He grinned. "Plus, I saved your life earlier by cauterizing your stomach, so there's that."

Nico seemed to ponder this. "Fine. But just remember that I can and will kick you out at any time."

"Great! So how about we go get these supplies? Nico, I think you should stay here and...guard the cave." Besides just wanting him to rest, I wanted a break from him to maybe let him forget about Leah's teasing earlier. Or at least give myself time to figure that out before he launched a full interrogation on me.

I feel like this is really short. Bleh, hopefully you'll have another chapter by Thursday. I really am sorry, this takes me freaking forever and I don't know why.

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