Chapter 7: In which Nico is a little shit and tears ensue

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"Thanks for accepting me into your little posse, Wren!" Leo said, jumping over a vine-covered log.

"No big deal, can't let you go die by yourself, right?" I grinned, glad that we'd so far avoided any unpleasant conversation about say, my past.

"I appreciate that. Ghostie doesn't seem so fond of me."

"Maybe it'd help if you stopped calling him Ghostie." I chuckled.

"Yeah, maybe." He seemed to contemplate this, and then stayed silent for a full 3 minutes, which was absolutely a new record for Leo. "I think he likes you."


"Nico. I think he has a total crush on you."

"Ha, no he doesn't. Nice try though."

"No, really! Like, have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"With complete and utter disgust and disinterest? Yes."

"No, dummy. Look, I've hung around this guy a lot. I've seen how he looks at and acts around normal people, and you make him act completely different. Trust me, this kid is in love with you."

"Huh." I said in monotone, not interested in what he had to say.

"You can deny it all you want, but I swear-" I cut him off with my hand over his mouth.

"Leo, you better just shut up."

"So you're already getting annoyed then?" Nico appeared in front of me in a shadowy cloud of darkness, which was frightening enough to make me yelp and stumble backwards, stubbing my toe on a rock and falling over. Nico lunged out and caught me, lacing his arms around my back, so I naturally reached for his neck. In doing this, I accidentally pulled him quite a bit closer to me than I would've liked, but found myself a little distracted by his dark eyes so wide in concern for me, so we stayed in our ballroomesque position for a few seconds longer than we should have.

"Oooo, getting cozy, aren't we?" Leo teased, winking at me and laughing.

I widened my eyes in shock, having forgotten Leo was there, and abruptly stood up, pushing Nico away and stammering my apologies.

Nico still looked a bit confused about what had just happened, but muttered his reasons for being here. "I just thought I'd come along to keep an eye on you two. Nothing to do back at the cave so..."

"Riiiiight. Bet you just wanted to be close to Wren." Leo teased.

Nico glared at him. "Yeah, to make sure you don't try anything."

"Bro, calm down, I'm not gonna steal your girl." He raised his hands jokingly and took a step back.

"That's not what I meant!" Nico's pale cheeks flushed red, and mine joined. "And she's not my girl!"

"Really? Cause it looks a lot like-"

"Leo, shut up! We have supplies to get, come on!" I said, yanking his arm and successfully shutting him up. Well, about that at least.

"So Wren, what was that Medic talking about?"

I swallowed hard. "Which?"

"You know, that Leah girl."

"Oh, that was nothing. Just a-"

"No it wasn't." Nico cut in.

"I'm sorry, how would you know?"

"I meet a lot of dead people, Wren."

My eyes widened but I blinked the shock away from my face hurriedly. "I don't know what you're talking about, Nico." I said coolly, sending an icy glare towards him.

"Yeah you do. I don't think you'd forget murdering-" Nico glared right back, raising his voice a bit.

"Excuse me? I don't care what you think you know, you have no business telling me about my own past!"

"I know a lot, I've talked to your brother!"

We were full on yelling now. "What makes you think you have the right to do that?"

"I dunno, I'm just stuck with you for a week. I think I deserve a little background information."

"Then ask me! Don't go talk to my dead siblings!"

"What, like you'd tell me?"

"Well maybe if you'd make an effort to gain my trust-"

"And I should trust a murderer!?"

"Stop it!" I screeched. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I turned and rushed into the forest, unable to stop tears from forming in my eyes.

"Wren! Holy Hephaestus man, why'd you say all that?" I heard Leo say angrily as I ran away.

I eventually stopped running and leaned against a thick tree, sinking to the ground in shambles. I sobbed it out, gradually calming down and becoming aware of a person sitting next to me.

"You ok?" Leo asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

" I'm not. I'm really not okay."

"Wanna talk about it?"

I was silent for a bit. Taking a shaky breath, I began to tell Leo my story. "When I was younger, I lived with my mom, stepdad, and two brothers, Benji and Tim. We were all super happy even though we had hopped from town to town since Mom married Steve. Anyway, some Apollo kids have certain gifts. They don't usually come until you get to camp cause they have to be activated by Apollo himself, but I guess he made a mistake or something." I shrugged and wiped my eyes. "So, when these powers come, they tend to start an explosion of sorts, which wouldn't harm demigods or gods, but would harm mortals, which is why Apollo usually waits until camp. I'm a little bitter, sorry. Long story short, my powers came when I was 12. We were all sitting around the coffee table playing Clue. My little brothers were only eight." My voice choked up again and I leaned into Leo's chest, feeding off of the warmth. "I guess you can guess what happened next. I-I was the only one left alive, so I ran." Leo put his arm around me as I started to cry again.

"Its alright." He whispered, kissing the top of my head and cradling me as I sobbed. I'd never told anyone all this before. I'd kept it secret from everyone but Chiron. Of course, Chiron told the cabin, but they were given strict orders to never tell anyone else. I'd never had to share the whole story with somebody else before, but I was glad it was Leo.

After a few more minutes of crying, I calmed down and spoke up quietly. "Do you- do you think I'm a murderer?"

"What? No! You know my story, right?" I didn't, so he told me all about how he'd accidentally trapped his mother in a building and set it on fire when he was younger. He'd been on the run ever since, always carrying the guilt with him. "I miss her a lot, of course, but she's in a good place, just like your family."

So don't you love how in the last chapter I was like, "you'll have a new chapter by Thursday!" Three months later...Sorry guys!

I found out I have like three new followers now, which is cool. Thanks followers! :)

So I'm thinking of starting a new story, in which there is a dramatic/tense love triangle with Loki and Captain America because I like the idea of my two favorite Marvel boys fighting over a girl xD Supposing I could keep up with the two stories, who's interested? Don't worry, I'd keep Challenges as a top priority. Hopefully.

My poor other story is so neglected. I think I'll delete it.

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