Chapter 15: Wakey Wakey, Eggs and Bakey!

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AN: I drew the picture above with the Paper app on my iPad because I was too lazy to describe how Nico and Wren woke up. It's fairly bad, but you get the general idea. Also, I swear her hair is brown and not black.

I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun shining brightly with a strong scent of pine filling my nose. I kept my eyes closed and rested for a moment longer before becoming aware of something resting on my hip and whatever was under me rising and falling. My eyes quickly shot open as I lifted my head to see...Nico? What was he doing here? Memories of last night's date came flooding back to me and I sat up, accidentally pushing hard enough on his chest to make him wake up and flip me onto my back, quickly straddling me and grabbing his knife. I screamed, just as a natural reaction.

"Woah woah woah! Nico, it's just me!" I gasped, crossing my arms in front of my face.

He put his knife down and sat back on my hips. "Wren? What are you...? Why are we on a hill? Together?"

"I guess we fell asleep stargazing last night." I explained awkwardly, resting my arms above my head.

"Oh. Oh. Right. Good morning." He grinned, leaning over and giving me a quick peck on the nose before climbing off me, grabbing my hand to pull me up.

I could feel the blush burning in my cheeks. "Uh, yeah. So...should we head back?"

"Well, if we go back together everyone's gonna think we had sex."

Blushing intensifies. "We certainly wouldn't want that. Gods, the teasing. I'll say I stayed with Percy."

"Alright. You can go down first then and I'll come in 10 minutes or so."

"Okay, great. See you later!" I turned and started to go off to breakfast.

"Hey!" Nico grabbed my arm and turned me around. "I uh, I had fun last night. We should maybe do this again?"

I looked up at him in surprise. "Um..." I shook the blur out of my head and finished my sentence as his expression turned to worried. "Yeah! I had a lot of fun too. Those cookies were great, and the view is awesome from up here at night."

"Cool." He breathed a sigh of relief and glanced down to my lips, licking his own. "Anyway, you should probably get to breakfast. I'll talk to you later." He smiled, lifting his eyes back up to mine and shoving his hands into his pockets, which shrugged his shoulders cutely. I nodded and turned on my heel, heading back to camp.

As soon as I arrived in the pavilion for breakfast, Piper threw her arm around me with a smug look on her face. "You two lovebirds totally fell asleep up there."

"No! We- I mean, I stayed at Percy's last night so we could talk."

"You're a terrible liar. So when's he coming down? Five minutes? Ten?"

I glared at her and sighed in defeat. "Ten." I replied to her giggle and little hops of happiness by shoving past her and grabbing a muffin and a banana. "Nothing happened by the way, we just fell asleep."

"Obviously. You wouldn't be walking this well if something had happened." She laughed.

"You need Jesus!" I gave her a shove and sat at my usual spot next to Will.

"And where were you last night, little miss first date?"

"I stayed at Percy's."

"That's funny, because I was at Percy's cabin all night last night talking about you and Nico."

"Well that's extremely irresponsible of you. You're the cabin counselor!"

"And you're my sister, whom I have to look after. You slept on that hill with Nico, didn't you?"

"Fine! Yes, I did! Now can we just not let the whole camp know? I don't want everyone thinking we...did it or something."

"Well did you?"

"No! Will!"

"Just curious is all. Hey, here he is now! With Percy!" He pointed over to where Percy and Nico were, Nico being pulled over to my table.

"Good morning, Birdie! I'd tell you to say good morning to Nico, but I know you already have." Percy grinned.

"I swear I didn't tell him." Nico sighed.

"That's alright, Piper and Will already figured it out too." I sighed defeatedly and started peeling my banana. Percy plopped down across from me and continued teasing us. "You know, you're not supposed to sit with other cabins, Percy." I frowned at him.

"Please honey, I'm Percy Jackson."

"Shouldn't you be sitting with Annabeth?" Nico tried.

He looked over to the Athena table, where Annabeth gave him an annoyed look. "Uh, maybe." She quickly waved him over and he slouched dramatically before getting up. "Gotta go, lovebirds."

"Wanna get out of here? I've got something to show you." Nico asked quietly, Will being distracted by one of the younger campers' antics.

I hesitated, but eventually got up and followed him out of the pavilion. As soon as we left the building, he grabbed onto my hand and didn't let go.

850 words isn't as much as it should be. I am the queen of short, shitty chapters that take three months to appear. Have fun with this, kids, I'll be back, oh, roughly next year, probably. Make it last!

In all seriousness, I hope you enjoyed this and I swear I will try to have motivation for writing again, though it might be ending pretty soon here. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, vote, etc. 😊✌

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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