Author's Note

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AN: A few things I didn't want to have to explain in the actual story:

1. Percy serves as Wren's brother- though she is Apollo's offspring and Percy is obviously Poseidon's. Also Wren's mother is not Sally, but Anne Donnovan, who lives in Wichita, Kansas. There are no blood relations between the two, Percy simply kind of adopted her when she came to camp. 

2. Camp Half-Blood has come up with a once-a-month training competition where campers are paired into twos at random and thrown out of their cabins for a week. Whilst camping out and hunting for their food, they go through a series of Challenges (The name of the competition, coincidentally). Monster fighting and the like. At the end of each day, the Contestants line up at the Big House and take a quiz about their partner. Campers are judged based on the knowledge of their partners (which teaches the importance of communincation and partnership) and their performance in the Challenges (teamwork, skill, level-headedness, etc.). Whoever gets the most points wins God Status until the next month's Challenges. So basically, no chores or responsiblities, you get to stay up late and sleep in, and you get breakfast in bed.

3. Nico's wandering kind of came to an end due to the war ending (Nobody died. Except maybe Octavian.). Now he lives year-round at camp, still generally not accepted, though he's close to the Seven. 

4. Camp's jaken a sort of Camp Jupiter turn as far as the city-ish atmosphere goes. So now they've got coffee shops, schools, clothing stores, etc. It's also turned into a boarding school for kids with no parents or simply difficulties staying in one school for more than a month. 

5. I obviously own nothing and no one aside from Wren Donnovan and a few other characters as I am not Rick Riordan. I don't know if Disclaimers are necessary on here, but I'll do it anyways. By the way, this story is rated PG-13 for probable violence and romance, though it probably won't be horrible. I just don't want my story removed, and am therefore paranoid. xD Alrighty then, I think that's it! Read on!

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