Chapter 12: Musings

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I sat on top of a hill, admiring the colors the sunset had painted and enjoying the feeling of my toes in the grass. I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday, which rather ruined the peaceful setting as I was now full of confusion. Leo had said some interesting things. I was almost offended. Like, he tries to kiss me and then tells me that he wants to just be friends so the guy that has never before showed any sort of affection for me can have a shot? I don't think so, buddy. But then, Nico was super sweet yesterday. I can't believe he let me cry on his shoulder, literally. I can't believe I cried on his shoulder. Gods, I'm an embarrassment to the Apollo cabin. But hey, he actually...hugged me? That's a weird thought, Nico and I hugging. He also definitely rubbed my back. I wonder if he was okay with it?

At this point, I leapt about fifteen feet in the air, which was quite the accomplishment, as I was sitting criss-cross applesauce in the grass. "Holy shi-"

"Hey." Speak of the devil.

"Hi. Gods, you scared me." I had my hand on my heart and I was breathing embarrassingly heavily. "What are you doing up here?"

He plopped down next to me, which was weird. Nico does not plop. "I thought maybe you'd want to talk about...stuff."

I stared at him in disbelief. "And you willingly came up to talk? About 'stuff?' Really?"

He shifted his wait to one arm behind him, using the other to rub the back of his neck as he looked into the distance. It was getting really hard to not find him attractive. "Yeah. I uh, feel bad about your coma or whatever."

"Yeah well, my brothers are good medics, fortunately. Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't know what got into me."

"I didn't mind."

I looked at him strangely. "You didn't?"

"No." He made purposeful eye contact; I immediately looked down. "I mean, you had just come out of a coma, I'd expect you to be a little emotionally unstable." He stammered.

"Oh. Right." I hugged my knees to my chest and looked back at the sunset, letting the conversation die. I was painfully aware of exactly how close he was to me. I could hear him humming a song that sounded curiously like Beyond the Sea, which blended nicely with the crickets. From the corner of my eye I could see his chest rise and fall subtly. Each gust of wind brought me a sort of woodsy scent, which I'd guess was him as there were no trees around. I looked back at him and watched the wind play with the tips if his hair for a few seconds before remembering that staring at people is creepy. "So who won?"


"The Challenges. Who won?"

He laid down, hands behind his head. "Annabeth and Erich."

"Really? Wow. Erich's an idiot."

"Yeah well, Annabeth can hold her own." He closed his eyes and crossed his ankles.

"Didja come up here to sleep?" I poked his stomach, immediately regretting it when his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist firmly. The bastard's eyes were still closed, but a smug smile smile creeped its way onto his face. I tried to pull my hand away, but his grip remained strong as ever. "Let me go, Nico."



"Because you poked me."

"Nico you're acting like a seven year old, give my hand back."

"I don't think I will." He opened his eyes and stuck his tongue out me. I liked joking Nico.

I sighed dramatically. "What do I have to do to get my hand back?"

He hesitated. "What do you suggest?"

Okay Nico, no sexual tension please. "I think that's your job honey. You're the one who has my wrist."

"You're the one who needs it back. I could hold you all night."

"Oh really?" I cocked an eyebrow at him and smirked.

He immediately blushed and loosened his grip a little, letting me jerk my hand back. "That's not what I meant." I massaged my wrist and laughed.

"I think it is." I teased. "I think you're attracted to me."

"And if I was?" There was an awkward pause here as my smile faltered.

"Well...I think you're insane."

"Haha, yeah." More awkward silence passed. Gods, this was so middle school. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me like nothing had just happened.

"So are you feeling better?"

"Uh, yeah. I am, thanks."

"That's good. Hey, I was wondering if you-"

"Ooooooooooo what are my two favorite people doing up here all alooooone?"

"Percy?" The blue-eyed teen ruffled my hair, which was annoying, but I was glad for the interruption. I didn't want to turn down Nico twice tonight, and it kinda seemed like that was where it was going.

Nico glared at Percy. "We were catching up on some stuff."

"Really?" He grinned. "Last time I saw you together, well, one of you was in a coma and the both of you were extremely wet, but prior to that, you both hated each other. What changed?"

"I guess living together for a bit kinda requires you to not hate each other."

"Right. Sure." We protested loudly. "No, really! I believe you! I one hundred percent believe that you do not hate each other. Now, I have to get to the beach for my romantic date, but you two don't let this interruption ruin your smooching."

He was gone before I could blink, but I heard something that sounded vaguely like "make smart choices" as he ran down the hill. "Um, so I think I'd better get back to camp. Will wanted to get coffee."

"Oh. Right. Yeah, I'll um, see you around then." His face fell and he looked back at the grass.

"Okay, bye." I leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek without even thinking about it, abruptly turning around and reprimanding myself all the way to the cabin.


It's so hard to not just be like "now kiss!" Like I don't think you guys understand.

Anyway, sorry for the late update. I don't even have a valid excuse, I was just lazy. Also working on The Nephew's new chapter, in case you guys read that also.

As always, I write for you guys, so it's nice to hear if you like things, don't like things, I made a grammatical error, etc. Love you all :3

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