Chapter 4: Bathtime!

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I woke up to a pounding in my head, stabbing pain all throughout my upper body, and the undeniable stench of dead animals. I tried to sit up and collapsed back down, gasping and rolling to my un-injured side. My vision blurred and blackened and I added vomit to the awful stench already present. I became aware of a cool cloth laying against my forehead and opened my eyes to see a tall, thin teenager with shaggy black hair cleaning the floor of the cave. He caught me staring at him and nodded grimly.

"Morning, Wren."

"Morning." I croaked, covering my mouth in shock. I had a sort of "Is that MY voice?" moment (you know, kitty Yzma from that Disney movie) mixed with the pain of a dry throat. The sudden movement almost made me black out again and I guess it was obvious, cause Nico rushed to my side.

"Gods Wren, don't try moving again. You got pretty injured, you know." He carefully flipped me over to my back and handed me a flask of water. "I've been force-feeding you ambrosia for the last" he checked his watch "nineteen hours. I'm surprised you haven't blown up."

"Well thanks for taking that risk instead of, I dunno, calling the medics or something." I said sarcastically, my voice sounding almost normal now.

"I did, but they predicted your survival and wouldn't help." He plopped down beside me with a loaf of bread.


He shrugged. "Rules. I think you're significantly better, though. By all logic you should be healed but I guess your body didn't respond well to being slashed open and body slammed by an automaton that's roughly the weight of a mountain. I actually had to shadow travel to get you out."

"Speaking of which, what's the diagnosis?"

"Haven't made one for three hours, but I guess we could check." He reached over and began to peel my blanket off, but hesitated. "Um, sorry. I had to cut your jeans away." He peered awkwardly at me while I blankly stared back at him.

"So you've seen my entire body naked then?"

"Gods no! You're wearing underwear. What, do you normally not?"

"Of course I do! I just didn't think of that."

"Just your legs anyway. And like, your stomach. Well, a bit higher. I had to-"

"I changed my mind, I don't want to know! Gods. Well, I guess you've seen it already so go right ahead." I huffed and nodded at his hovering hand, giving him permission to remove the blanket. He awkwardly tore it away and began the exam at my left ankle.

"Doesn't seem broken anymore. Does that hurt?" He flexed and pointed my foot. It didn't hurt so we pronounced it healed. He moved up to my right knee and felt around a bit. I hissed in pain when he tried to bend my leg. "That still hurts then. I don't think it's broken anymore, must just be healing." The blanket was pulled respectfully over my legs. He moved up to my stomach and hovered awkwardly again. "Um, I'll have to hitch your shirt up. Bandages need to be changed and all that." I nodded and he moved it up, revealing a bloody bandage wrapped around my abdomen.

"Okay how has that not healed yet? Nineteen hours? For real?"

"Torso wounds always take longest to heal. Just- stay still. This might hurt a bit." He dipped a cloth into some water and started to soak the bandage. After a bit he started to peel it off. First few layers, though awkward, weren't painful. Then he got to the 3 layers closest to my skin. Things weren't all that great.

"OW! Gods, just tear my skin off, why don't you!" I yelled, lifting my head up from the floor and glaring angrily at him.

"Sorry, but it's really unavoidable. I did warn you."

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