I looked back at Hayden in panic. "Hayden—"

A loud screech and distorted sounds filled my ears and I screamed in pain, before feeling my body hitting the ground and my eyes rolling to the back of my head as I drift off to unconsciousness.

Flames are everywhere.

Screams from people getting burnt alive.

The smell of burning flesh.

An evil smirk on her lips.

Someone is standing in the middle of the fire.

Blonde haired, flames surrounding her entire body as she laughs.

A laugh that would send chills down your spine.

She's laughing as she watches people dying.

Dying because of the fire.

Dying because of the fire she started.

And she liked it.

Scratch that, she loved seeing people die because of her.

"Wake up! Star!"

I gasped for air and started panting as I saw Liam looking at me worriedly. "Liam?"

"We have to run." Liam panics as he glanced to his right.

The Dread Doctors are close.

I immediately got up and started running along with Hayden and Liam. We ran as fast as Hayden could catch up, until we managed to escape the Dread Doctors.

"Wait!" Hayden said as she comes to a stop, panting. "I-I need to catch my breath..."

Liam and I stopped running and I wiped the sweat off my forehead. Liam's looking at me with that look, the look that's asking what happened to me, but I didn't say a word.

I don't even know what the hell happened and what the hell that was. All I know that, that girl standing in the middle of that fire, isn't me.

"Where are we even going?" Hayden asked as she stood up straight. I can see her hands shaking in fright.

"To Scott's house." I told her and Liam nodded in agreement. "He can help you, Hayden. All of us can."

She looks unsure of what to say or do. Liam noticed that. "You have to let us help you and let us explain. And no more running off."

I gave Hayden a reassuring look, and she sighs before nodding.

"Hayden? It's Scott."

The former had locked herself inside the bathroom for minutes now, right before Scott and Stiles had arrived. I can hear her heart beating so fast, and I can smell the fear in her. She was just okay earlier, but she suddenly got up and ran to the bathroom without a word.

"I know that you're scared, but we just... we want to help." No response.

I'm stood beside Stiles, his arm around my back. He probably saw the panic and fear in my eyes when they arrived, and I know he immediately knew something was wrong, but I hadn't said a thing. Liam tried to ask me what happened earlier, I told him that I don't want to talk about it just yet.

Scott turns to Liam. "I can hear her heart beating. She's really freaked out. What happened?"

"She was okay when we got here." Liam answered. "I went to text you for 2 seconds and she locked herself in."

"Why?" My brother asked from beside me.

Liam shrugged. "I don't know."

"She's definitely a chimera?" Scott asked me and Liam.

The latter answers before I do. "She said she heard a voice saying, "your condition improves"."

I nodded, confirming what Liam said. "It's true. I heard it too when I was trying to get her out of her car."

"Okay, that's unsettling." Stiles removes his arm around me before walking towards the bathroom door. "Hayden. This is Stiles. Your sister works for my dad down at the station. Look, just open the door, okay? You can trust us."

Still, the door is kept locked and no words come from Hayden. Stiles comes back to my side and Scott took over. "We just need to tell you the truth, Hayden. And that kind of thing usually is better face-to-face."

The memory of us telling Liam what's happening to him, flashes in my mind. Yeah, Scott and Stiles definitely did a face-to-face.

With a chair and Liam's fist.

Hayden still doesn't open the door. "Listen, either you're gonna unlock the door or I'm gonna have to break it open. It's okay if you don't want to talk, or if you're not ready to believe us. But I just... I gotta know you're okay in there."

Stiles, Liam and I all backed up when Scott was about to break the door open. Before he could even make a move, the lock clicks and the door opens a little. Liam and I glanced at each other as the door opens even more, then revealing Hayden, who's looking down at her hands.

More specifically, the claws on her fingertips.

When she looked up, we all saw her fangs, and her eyes were glowing golden yellow, just like Liam's.

"I believe you."


i just finished writing 5a and holy crap it's going to be complicated to write 5b lol

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