•The Encounter•

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                           ~Ace's POV~

          "We can't do this in here," I say, trying to get off Lucifer's desk. He keeps me in place, his hands gripping my thighs. We've been in here for the past twenty minutes with me sitting on his lap or desk, his lips on mine. The last week has been like this and I have no problem with it. Yesterday when we were in here a teacher walked in and we had to say I came in for extra help.
     "The door is locked this time," he tells me, lips brushing against the sensitive skin between my neck and shoulder. Goosebumps grow on my exposed skin. I wrap my arms around him, taking in the scent of his expensive cologne and hair products.
      "Have you talked to my mom yet?" I ask. His body tenses and my arms loosen from around him.
    "No," he answers, his eyes searching mine. "I haven't been in contact with her since Sunday, so I assume she'll be prepared for it." I shake my head, letting off the desk and settling in his lap. His hand rests on my leg, tracing circles on my thigh. His scent relaxes and intoxicates me.
    "You don't know her all then. What did you two do when you were together, or whatever it was you guys were?" His eyes advert from mine, pressing his full lips in a thin line. "Actually, I don't think I want to know that answer. Is-Was that all it was for you?"
     "It wasn't even for sex, I don't have a hard time getting that from different women when I want it," he says. The thought makes me feel sick to my stomach. I have to remind myself that he's new to this and probably doesn't understand that I don't want to hear about how much women want him; I can see it when he walks pass the other professors and students. Especially at his club, girls and boys are constantly breaking their necks to get a glimpse.
      "Then why?" His face falls as if he's realizing something.
    "If I told you, you would only think it's some weird metaphor. Plus, I think I figured it out on my own anyways," he tells me with a soft smile. I love when he does that; he doesn't give this smile to anyone but me, it makes me feel somewhat special. "Class is gonna start in five minutes."
    I peck his lips before getting up, grabbing my bag. "Okay, Mr.Hellfire."

     "So what you're trying to say is that the devil does no wrong?" The boy in the top row says loudly so Lucifer can hear him. This whole discussion isn't on what we were learning. How we got to this I don't understand.
    "I'm a-He's a punisher, therefore, he punishes those who commit the sins," he says. I can't be the only one who caught that. I can't ignore the way he speaks of the devil in first person most of the time. In the classroom is the only time he doesn't do it, or at least in a way that's noticeable. It bugs and confuses me, but it also makes me want answers to a lot of questions. I've read the Bible time and time again, studied it, taken notes on it, have two separate copies for different purposes; yet he mentions things that aren't in there. I've thought they were made up, but there's logic behind his words every time.
"But who created those sins? The devil!" The guy says, clearly getting irritated.
"Humans! You guys!" He says, obviously feeling the same way. My brows raise in shock. "He didn't do anything, you guys created it and blamed it on him. All he did was rebel."
The bell goes off, making me thank God in my head. Alex already has her thumbs ready to go when I'm closing my notebook. "This class's never has a dull moment," she says with a laugh. Tell me about it. My eyes lock with Lucifer's. "Oh fuck," she says, her body tensing.
I look up from my bag to see Justin coming up the stairs. His eyes are narrowed and set on hers. I walk the opposite direction, walking down the side stairs. Before I can cross the the front, Lucifer grabs my wrist, forcing me to make eye contact.
     "He won't hurt you," he tells me. How does he even know that this is Justin? I've never pointed him out before. How does he know he won't? I have so many questions, but I'm afraid to ask them.
                        ~Lucifer's POV~

       "You told someone I hit you?" The boy asks Alex, whispering low enough for Ace to not hear, but it's normal for me. Her eyes dart around the room, avoiding his at all cost. "This is the second time some weirdo has come into my room and attacked me because of this."
    "Then maybe you should stop doing it," I say louder than I meant to. He snaps his attention towards me, letting go of Alex's arms that I hadn't realized he was holding tightly, his hands leaving a fading white mark on her skin.
     "You! You're the asshole who came the first time!" He shouts. I have no problem with the girls knowing this, it's not like I try hiding my true being. He starts coming down the stairs. Ace pulls her arm out of my grasp and gets behind me. The fact that she trusts I'll protect her makes me feel a type of way that I can't explain.
     "And it seems I didn't scare you enough or you didn't hear me clearly," I say as calmly as I can. Ace grabs the back of my jacket, hands shaking. I know he hit her, but it had to have been worse than I thought if she's this scared of him.
    "You guys are literally more scared of me than you are of him?! Do you have any idea who his man is?!" He yells. I put my head, my head starting to hurt from his annoying voice. "He's the devil!"
     "I think you need to see a doctor," Alex says. "You're seriously mental."
     "This time is was a short Mexican women! Screaming at me that she was gonna drown me," he says. Llorona. For someone who doesn't have feelings for someone, she sure is defensive.
    "Yes, that was my demon, Llorona," I tell him. His eyes widen. "Drowning is all she can do here, but when you get where you're going she can do worse." He looks back at Alex before jogging towards the door.
    "Get away from him while you can."
       "What was he talking about?" Ace asks in a panic once both Alex and Justin are out of the class. Her hands and knees are still shaking from the encounter. "Y-you came into his room and threatened him or something? Then your bartender, or as you say, demon, did the same thing? What the hell is all this?"
    I place my hands on her shoulders, forcing her to sit down on my desk. She releases a deep breath, putting her hand in her hands. "I don't try hiding what I am, but you don't believe it. So I'm just gonna say that he mistaken me for someone else and I just went along with it."
    Her eyes meet mine. She looks so confused, but there's nothing for her to be confused about. The truth is right in front of her. "I can't be with you unless you explain it to me." I cup her face in my hands.
     "I already have, Angel."

AN: She's starting to question things 👀 The school year is almost over so right now is just finals and I'm so excited because I'll be able to write a lot more ☺️ I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: How do you think she'd react if she realized the truth? What do you want to see happen?
    Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2019 ⏰

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