•Let Loose•

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               ::Lucifer's POV::

     "I don't like the thought of you going around faking a relationship with a human," Llorona says, glaring at me from behind the bar. I set my glass down, rolling my eyes. "You know humans; they get attached. The last thing we need is for some mortal to get obsessed with you."
    "You're over thinking this," I tell her. "I know when to stop if it gets too serious and I have my own motives for this." She walks over, her brows drawn together. She sits down on the stool beside me, propping her elbow up on the counter.
   "And what is that motive?" She asks. I grin, grabbing my glass again.
   "I'm convinced my dad has sent me an angel to test me," I tell her. She slams her glass down, jaw setting. "Calm down now. I have this all under control."
   "An angel? As in a pure one?"
   "Well, what other ones are there? Hell has demons, you know that more than anyone; you are one." She scuffs, standing up again.
   "How do you think sleeping with the women is going help?"
   "Well, the women is her mother." She stops her pacing and looks at me, her crossed arms dropping to her sides. Although I am the devil, she does scare me to a certain degree.
    "So you're telling me you believe your...Angel has a mortal mother? How does that make sense?" I open my mouth to answer, but one of the bouncers opens the door, starting to let people into the club. I get up, fixing my suit. Before I can walk pass Llorona, she stops me with her hand on my chest.
   "This conversation isn't over."
   "Sure." I walk up to the elevator and press the button to bring me up to the pent house.
                ::Ace's POV::

     "I don't like this," I yell over the loud, obnoxious music. Alex pulls me through the crowd of people dressed in skimpy dresses and dress clothes. I wanted to stay at our dorm and study what notes I have taken in the first two weeks of classes cause it's a Wednesday night, but she insisted we come to Mr.- Lucifer's club.
    "Just let loose for a few hours. You don't need to study more than you already have, your head will explode," she says. I just wish she would have at least let me change before we left. She's in a sheer black bodysuit that has sparkles and shows her bra under with leather black pants and heels. I, on the hand hand, wear a knee length light blue dress that's neck line goes up to my collarbones with flats. It looks like I'm going to church instead of here.
   "It's humanly impossible for the human brain to explode from knowledge. Your brain expands wit-"
    "Shut you, you nerd." She grabs my hand and pulls me to the bar. I don't understand how this could be anyone's idea of fun. How is grinding up against strangers and getting drunk around people you don't know fun? "You need a drink."
   "You know I don't drink," I tell her. She rolls her eyes again at me for what seems to be the hundredth time tonight. Maybe she'll eventually find a brain back there if she keeps doing it.
   "What do you guys want?" A pretty girl who looks too young to be working a bar asks us. She's so beautiful it's almost inhumane. Her skin is flawless and her eyes are glossy, but not in the way that looks like she's going to cry, her hair beautifully silky, and body perfect with curves from what I can see.
   "Sex on the beach," Alex says.
   "Nothing," I say. She walks away. "Wow."
   "Yeah, she almost made me forget why I came here."
   "Why did you want to come here? You're usually never so presistant on going out unless you're running from something," I say. She sighs, her shoulders slumping.
   "It's Justin again. I'm really trying to deal with his sudden mood swings, but they're giving me whiplash," she says. "It's worse now, but sometimes it's like he's...scared. He's hesitant when we're out together and only goes back to himself again when we're alone; but when we're alone all we do is have sex."
    "And that's your idea of a healthy relationship?" I ask. I'm just happy he hasn't physically hurt her yet...as far as I know at least. The girl comes back, her shirt pulled further down to expose more cleavage than before. She hands Alex her drink. 
   "Thanks," Alex says, getting her wallet out from her bag.
   "On the house. You can repay me by dancing with me later," she says, winking and walking away. I snicker, shocked at what happened.
   "I love this club."
       I've been sitting on one of the couches for the last forty three minutes and nine seconds and counting. All I want to do is go back to our dorm to sleep. Alex has been dancing with the bartender that has seemed to forget about the fact she's supposed to be working.
    "Someone not impressed?" A awful familiar voice says from behind me. I turn around to see Lucifer walking over, his hands tucked inside his expensive dress pants. It must get uncomfortable to wear nothing but suits all the time.
    "Sorry, this just isn't my scene," I say loudly so he can hear me over the music. He sits down close to me, setting his glass of what looks to be whiskey on the table in front of us. "You own this place, right?" 
   "Correct. Pretty amazing isn't it?" He asks, looking around at what he's put together with a prideful smile. He looks so proud of himself, which he should be. This building before he took it over was just going to be knocked down and turned parking lot for the beach.
    "Yeah, it really is. If you don't mind me asking, why do you teach if you have all this? It's packed, surely you make far more than enough money by this than you do being a professor." He shrugs, crossing his leg over the other.
   "Cause I love both, although they can be equally annoying and boring at times. I love the engergy and life this bring to me and everyone else, but I also enjoy teaching what I know best."  I nod, making sense of the situation now. "So, why're you here if this isn't your thing?"
    I point to where Alex is close dancing with the girl. "Alex wanted to come out to get her mind off some stuff and dragged me along. She promised only two hours, but I'm sure I'll be stuck here for longer." He laughs at the sight of Alex and the bartender.
   "Llorona sure knows how to pick 'em," he says.
   "That's the bartenders name?" He nods, turning his attention back to me. I love that when he settles his attention on something, it's only that thing; like everything else disappears and it's only him and that person or thing.
    "Yes, she's my demon," he says. I blink at him, processing what just left his mouth. At moments he has me believing that he can be a normal person, then he says weird shiz nitz like this. "You do look beautiful tonight, although, it looks like you're attending church." Then he says things like this and my heart stops.
    "T-thank you, Mr. Hellfire," I say. His smile fades into a frown. "Sorry, it's just weird calling someone Lucifer. I was raised Christian, still have Christian beliefs, so I feel bad even though it's your name."
    "Well yes, cause I am indeed the devil," he says. Here we go again with the whole he's the devil thing. "If you're christian, don't you believe the devil walks amongst us?"
   "Not in that way, he's here in...a different way. In all things bad, like drugs, murder, s-" He rolls his eyes, throwing his head back.
    "I do not, nor am I even responsible for such things. You humans created bad all your own and blame me for your wrong doings." I can do nothing but sit and listen to his weird ramble.
    Out of the corner of my eye, I notice someone who I never wanted to see again. Justin scans the crowd, obviously looking for Alex. How he knew she was here, I have no idea. Surely she didn't tell him.
   "I-I have to get Alex," I say, standing. He grabs my wrist, stopping me from going over. The look on Justin's face brings me back to the countless nights he would beat me. I don't want Alex enduring that.
   "But why? You're friend is having a good time with Llorona."
   "You don't understand," I say, not taking my eyes off Justin to make sure he doesn't come over to me or Alex. His eyes find me, his shoulders relaxing. He starts coming over and my heart starts to pump faster and faster.
   Not thinking, I get on Lucifer's lap, straddling his waist and press my lips to his.

AN: Quite the ending. We love quick thinking, don't we? I hope you guys enjoyed. I apologise if the updates start time get shorter. I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: What do you think about him kissing him? What do you think will happen?
Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Love yourself -Vaeh

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