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                        ~Lucifer's POV~
       Her legs are thrown over mine, my shirt meeting at her mid thigh, but it's risen up from shifting as we watch this terrible movie. Horror movies aren't the least nit entertaining; they don't even get the rules of possession right. I can't even lay my hands on an innocent child, they're too pure, but in this I guess I can.
     "Maybe we should have watched something less...bloody?" She asks, her arm relaxing across my stomach. Her eyes are fixed on the television, her body tense as the the couples runs through a cliche hallway. "Maybe something from the 90's."
     "Please don't tell me you like that Clueless bullshit too like Llorona?" She looks off the side with a compressed smile. "I'll settle for Pretty In Pink because she's hot." She smiles, kissing my cheek. The small affectionate action makes my heart flutter. The sight of her in nothing but my button down and underwear isn't effecting me sexually like I assumed it would; it just makes me feel...at home...a much quieter, more peaceful home.
    "So what do you want this to be?" She asks as I search for the movie on the tv. "I'm willing to take the chance with you if you'll do this the right way."
   I let the remote drop to my lap, turning my body further towards hers. She scoots back a little so it's more comfortable for the both of us. "What do you mean by the right way?" I ask. The idea of updating seems pleasant, but I don't fully understand the concept.
    "Like, being steady with each other; not seeing other people, just each other.  Sing public about it, being honest with each other. That kind of stuff." Loyalty and honesty shouldn't be in the same sentence for me. I've never understood being with just one person, what the point of that would be, but I'm always extremely honest. I don't lie, it physically hurts me if I do, which is why it has always confused as to why lying is a sin if I ever committed it. Sometimes I believe my dad just drank too much grape juice with my brothers and sisters and started making shit up.
    "I want to try that with you," I tell her. She sighs, relieved by my answer. "But you just understand that this is extremely new to me. I don't understand this at all. Back when I was, in the game as you guys at now, the women I was with was with someone else; literally made for them actually."
    "You're also gonna have to get better with those metaphors or start explaining them, because they kind of creep me out," she says with a laugh. I don't blame her for not believing I'm the devil, the actual celestial from all the stories. It could easily be proven, but if I'm being honest with myself, I'm scared she'll run.
    She's a religion person, someone who has dedicated their life to my father and all things heavenly; then here I am, the one who tortures poor evil souls and leaves them in the pits of hell, some deeper than others.  Her angelic nature is something that draws me in, constantly reminding me of the question of if she's actually one. The changes of that are slim to none, but all the hints are there. And if she is one, why the hell is she as attracted to me as I am her?
    "Of course."

AN: This one is shorter because I'm thinking that the next one will be a lot longer than In expecting 😅 At least this story sets the scene for the rest of the story 😌 I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: What would you like to see happen?
    Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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