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::Ace's POV:

My mom drops down onto the couch beside me, almost dropping her coffee our laps. She groans and sets it on the table, bringing her knees up under her. "So, we need to talk," she says, resting her head on her hand that's propped up using the cushion. My mom's hardly ever serious, and right now there no sign of playfulness on her face. "Your father contacted me."
"Oh," is all I can say. She hardly talks about him, so I never ask and don't think about him myself. "W-why?"
"He wants you to stop by his church soon," she says. I scoff in disbelief. This man leaves his family with a raging drinking problem and starts his own family, never contacting us again, and thinks he can just pop up again out of nowhere. "He wanted to show up here on Saturday to...pay a visit, but I told him you would be out of town."
I release a shakie breath, my brows furrowed. "I don't want to see him. Everything has always been on his terms, him leaving when he pleased and now coming back when it's only convenient for him. He's ridiculious."
She grins, picking up her coffee and laughing. "Someone's sassy tonight. Don't you want your father in your life?" I shake my head.
"You're enough for me," I tell him. She places her hand on mine.
"You're the best mistake ever," she says. I chuckle, rolling my eyes. "So, how was your first day? Why aren't you staying at your dorm with Alex?"
"It was fine, most of my courses should be easy enough. And I'm here to avoid Alex going on and on about how sexy our religion professor is."
"Oh, is he really as drop dead gorgeous as people are making him out to be?" She asks. My eyes widen. How does she even know about him? "My friend's daughter has him and was talking about him. He also owns a club downtown, dirty rich, so me and Anna were planning to stop by on Friday to catch a peak."
I roll my eyes again, suddenly feeling sick at the thought of even my mom being attracted to that dirt bag. I never did anything to the man, only met him for an hour, shared a very short conversation with, and he offended me twice; first my dress, which I love by the way, and my name, which I find pretty and unique.
"He's rude and confusing," I say, crossing my arms. She sets her cup down again and gestures for me to continue. This women loves "gossip", even if she doesn't know the person. "Well first of all, he doesn't believe in religion and he teaches it because he supposably knows it better than anyone; then, he insulted my dress twice in front everyone, so I'm now known as "girl in the hideous dress". When Alex and I were getting ready to leave, he came over and started insulting my name, and talking about the devil in first person. The man seriously has issues; he would never pass a brain scan test."
She laughs at my distress. "So, what if he is the devil?" My eyes widen. "They do say the devil walks among us."
"The devil walks among us in things, not in a physical form. Like drugs, weapons used for killing-"
"I was only kidding," she says. "But promise you'll sneak a picture and send it to me so I can see the devilishly handsome man."

"FAITH!" Mr.Hellfire shouts, making me jump. "Everyone has it in something, whether it be in a god, evil, or aspiration. Who do you rely on to carry through with your faith?"
"God," someone says from the back. Mr. Hellfire rolls his eyes.
"That man can only do so much," he mumbles. "But yes, some of you rely on God, some family, friends, yourself. Your assignment is to write about what keeps your faith strong. It'll be due Friday during class. You're dismissed."
I take my phone out and check to see any messages from Alex. She got sick this morning and couldn't come, which she was surprisingly disappointed about. I go to my camera and sneakily take a picture for my mother.
I stand up and make my way down the few steps. "I thought I said not to wear something angelic, you still look...godly," he says in disgust. I stop and turn around, trying to ignore the stinging of his words. What did I ever do to this man?
"I wasn't going to go out and buy a whole new style, because you don't approve of my clothing choices," I say. He stands up from his desk and walks over.
"You practically have angel wings protruding from you," he says. I wrap my arms around myself, looking down. "So tell me, what keeps your faith strong?" My eyes meet his.
"My faith keeps my faith strong if that makes sense. My faith in humanity, myself, God. Without my faith I believe I would be nothing." He smiles softly, tilting his head to the side.
"Are you an angel?" He asks.
"What?" I ask in confusion. I'm not catching on to his use of the metaphor. "I'm no angel, but I like to believe I don't sin as much as others."
"So you think you're superior?"
"N-no, that's not what I meant. I don't cuss, I don't drink, do drugs, I pray, I go to church as often as possible. I just believe I'm a good person, but definitely no angel." Now he looks confused.
"Interesting," he says mostly to himself. "Very well then."
"Can I ask you a question?" I ask. He nods. "Why would you think I'm...an angel?"
"Well because...I'm not sure actually." I force a smile, walking towards the door.
"Have a great rest your day, Mr.Hellfire."
"I prefer, Lucifer."

AN: I can't wait to get more into their relationship as the story proceeds. I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: How do you like her mom, Rose? What do you think of Lucifer and Ace's relationship so far?
    Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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