•Get Down On Your Knees•

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~Ace's POV~

My heart is pounding my chest as I look at myself in the mirror. The mirror in my moms kitchen has always been completely useless, so I thought I'd put it to some use. My cream colored cardigan is tucked into my skinny jeans with the first three button's open. It's modest and cute, a little different from I would usually wear to church.
"Are you ready yet?" My mom asks, coming in from the backyard. I spin around to see her with Mr.Hellfire at her side. My face turns hot and red, my breath getting caught in my throat. Suddenly, I feel nauseous and not up for church at all. I'm not going to not go because of him; I love church and not going to allow this...devil to keep me from it.
"Yeah," I say, clearing my throat. She tells us she's running upstairs real quick to get her bag. Lucifer makes his way over to me, taking his hands out of his pockets. I wonder what it would look like if he wore casual clothing rather than his expensive looking suits. They fit him well, but they must be uncomfortable.
"You look-"
"Please don't make a rude comment on my outfit," I say, cutting him off. He raises his brows, a grin forming on his face.
"I was going to say you look pretty, but suit yourself." My mom comes down before I can say anything.
   "Ready," she says, fixing her hair in the mirror. "Your father is going to want to leave his wife when he sees me in this." The dress she wearing is modest in the way that it covers everything, but it doesn't hide anything to the imagination when it comes to her figure.
   "Wait, why would we see him?" I ask.
    "I forgot to tell you, we're going to his church." I take a deep breath. I love her, she's my way friend, but she's pushing things too far lately.
   "Why didn't you tell me that this morning?" I ask, getting mad.
   "Because I knew you wouldn't want to go. We're gonna have a good time." My eyes drop down her her hand, which is clasped with Lucifer's, her lanky fingers laced with his.
   "This will be fun," he says.

     "Happy you guys could make it," my dads wife says with a bright smile. She's too happy for someone who is up at eight on a weekend. "Your father will be gob to see you again. He's very sorry about the way the last meeting went."
   "It's okay," I say, trying not to sound as uncomfortable as I feel. Lucifer places his hand at the small of my neck, pulling me closer to his side. My mom doesn't seem to notice, but my dads wife's brows pull together in confusion. "I'm sure the service will be beautiful."
    "It will be. Your father is great at what he does." My mom scuffs, rolling her eyes.
    "Like what? Cheating? Leaving his family?" My eyes widen as Lucifer struggles not to laugh.
    "Mom, not now," I tell her through clenched teeth. She's the one who dragged me here, so she can't be the one to cause a scene. "Let's go tale our seats." Lucifer's hand slips from my back, leaving me wanting his touch back. It's comforting even though it's wrong.
   "Haven't been in one of these for ages," he says mostly to himself. We sit down in the second pew. "It's terrible."
    "Why is it terrible?" I ask.
    "My father will see this as a sign of new found respect." I've given up at this point to understand his way of speech. I'm starting to think I should just play along with his little act. "I'll never understand why people think that if you're a sinner you'll burn in a church."
   "If that were the case you'd be up in flames, correct?"

"Aceldama," my dad says, coming over with his kid next to him. He looks like my dad. I give him a soft smile before looking up at my dad again with hard eyes. "I'm surprised to see you here."
    "I'm surprised to be here," I say in return. My mom nudges me. I look over at her only to get a glare. "I'm gonna go back inside to pray."
    "I thought we could talk for a little bit," he says. Is this man serious? How is acting so normal? We haven't seen each other in years and yet he's acting like no time has passed. Maybe he somehow hasn't realized, but I sure have.
    "I need to pray." I make my way through the people coming out of the church and inside. I've always loved the smell of churches and how they always smell like candle wax. Once is empty, I make my way to the front and get down on my knees, pressing my hands flatly together in front of my face.
    The action of praying has always been a relaxing one for me. Whenever I was young it was something I would do when I was too stressed. It always felt like a weight was being lifted off of me and that everything would be okay.
     "This is it how I would like to see you down on your knees," an annoying British voice says, interrupting me. I open one eye, looking up at Lucifer. I'm head level with his crotch, making this even more weird. "I was hoping there would be less clothing involved."
    "This is a church, you shouldn't be talking like that in here," I scold him as if he's a child. He acts like one, so I might as well treat him like one. That thought immediately leaves my mind as he grabs my wrist, pulling up. My chest brushes against his, the idea of personal space forgotten.
    "You don't tell me what to do," he says, looking into my eyes intensely. I take in a sharp, shaky breath. He makes me feel so insecure and small.
    "Can you please leave so I can finish?" I mumble. That devilish grin makes its appearance once again on his handsome face. He backs up, putting his hands up in surrender. I kneel back down and pick up where I left off, trying to ignore his demanding presence.
    "You have no idea what you're doing to me," he says with a quiet groan. I open my eyes, confused by his words. A bulge is visible in his black dress pants. I shoot up, my face Redding from horror and embarrassment.
    "I knew you were weird, but not a pervert," I say, turning to walk out. He grabs me, sprinting me around so my body hits his. He presses against me, making sure I can feel him.
   "Tell me something," he starts, "how wet do you get when we kiss?" I swallow down my nerves, my eyes meeting his.
    "Please let me go," I say. I'm not scared or uncomfortable, I just don't like the tingly feeling down below he's starting up.
    "You should come get the club tonight."

AN: The next chapter is really where shit starts to take off!! I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: What do you think will happen at the club? What would you like to see happen?
   Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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