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~Lucifer's POV~

"You went to church?" Llonona asks in shock from the other side of the bar. She hasn't been acting the same recently, but I guess I haven't been either. Going to church this morning wasn't on my to do list until what happened between Ace and I on Friday. There's something about her that makes me want to be close to her.
"Not the most fun I've ever had in the morning," I say, taking a drink of the whiskey she poured me. The door opens and I'm expecting to see one of our bouncers, but to both our surprise it's Alex. She looks like crap. "We don't open for another thirty minutes."
Her eyes lock with Llorona before looking back at me. "I know, but I was hoping you could let this slide. I'm kind of in extreme need to get drunk." Looking back at my partner, she nods, not even asking what I think.
"Are you even twenty one?" I ask. She shakes her head, sitting next to me.
"Do you really care about that though?" She's not wrong; I don't. "What brings you here and not to class?" Her eyes search mine, the whites of them red.
"My boyfriend is an asshole," she says. "And I'm stupid for not believing Ace. She warned me about him and I was too stubborn to listen." Llorona sets the glass in front of her.
"What did he do?" She asks. What's with her sudden interest in a humans life?
"He-he hit me," she answers, clearing her throat. "It was a long time coming and I'm kind of happy it did, because now I know the truth." My eyes narrow. She doesn't have the right to be upset about this; she brought this upon herself.
"Ace warned you about his abusive ways and you didn't listen. In a way it's a good thing it happened so you could get your head out of your flat ass." Her eyes widen in offense. Llorona grabs my drink and pours it into the trash. "Would you like to complain about a situation you put yourself in some more?"
"N-no," She says, her voice shaking. It's not the same snappy tone she usually has.
"Good, now if you would excuse me I have to get properly dressed."

         I sit silently at the bar surrounded by people dancing, talking, and drinking

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I sit silently at the bar surrounded by people dancing, talking, and drinking. Usually I love this energy, which is why I started this club, but tonight I'm not feeling it. Getting my hopes up for Ace to come tonight was stupid of me. Of course she wouldn't come here by herself willingly; this isn't her scene.
"You look sad," Alex says, leaning against the bar with her arms crossed. Despite me being rude when she first arrived, she's still being as kind as she can. Llorona keeps stealing glances at her, the corners of her mouth threatening to curve up into a smile.
"Oh please, I'm not sad. I'm simply observing everyone," I lie. I'm not sad, just disappointed in myself for believing she would show up. "I need another drink."
"I'm cutting you off," Llorona says, taking my glass again. She acts as if I can't just go behind the counter and get it myself.
"It's not like I can get drunk," I say with a scoff. Alex cocks a brow, eyes squinting.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"I cant get drunk, being the Devil and all," I tell her. She looks at Llorona like I've lost my mind. "You mortals never believe me."
"I don't believe in anything religious in general, good and bad." I lean closer towards her, genuinely curious to know how she thinks that.
"Then how did everything come about? What about Adam and Eve?" Her arms roam around the room like she'll find the answer in the sequins of a girls dress. "That's what I thought."
"My parents never taught me about god or anything like that. I didn't even know it was something people believed until I met Ace and she taught me everything. She learned to deal with that difference," she says. Ace. Damn that Angel. Actually no, I wouldn't want her to be dammed. I couldn't torture her. "So are you gonna be her step-dad?"
"What?! In Father's name, no." Is that really how serious my "relationship" with her mother is? Ugh, the horror it would be if I ended up in that uncomfortable and inappropriate situation.
    "Wow," she says, her eyes wide. "I'm not sure if I should be a proud sister or pissed she didn't invite me." I follow her gaze, very quickly getting annoyed by the new people coming in every half second. Ace stands near the elevator with her hands in front of her, holding tightly onto her clutch. I was too quick to think wrong of her.
    "She actually came," I say in shock. Her eyes lock with mine and she visibly relaxes. There's something atrocious about that, the sight of being able to calm her. Alex straightens up just as Ace starts to make her way over. The dress she's wearing is a lot shorter than what she usually wears and if definitely a good change from what she was wearing this morning.
     "Hey," She says, glancing from me to her best friend in confusion. "What are you doing here?"
    "I came to get drunk. The better question is why are you here? You hate places like this," she answers. Ace looks back up at me, not sure if she should answer with the truth.
    "I invited her, but I certainly wasn't expecting you to actually show." She sighs, shrugging her small shoulders.
    "Of course, I would."

  AN: I'm gonna cut here because this is one of those cases where if I continue it's going to be 4,000+ words so this will be cut into three parts! Hopefully those updates will be close together. For those of you who watch Lucifer, what are your thoughts on the season? Did you like the ending and Eve? I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: Do you think something will happen between than, if so, what? What are your thoughts on Alex?
    Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, and share! Believe in yourself -Vaeh

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