•Field of blood•

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::Aceldama's POV::

"Good morning," I tell my best friend and roommate, Alex, as she walks into the dorm room, the thin sheer ending of her dress flowing as she speed walks to her bed. My best guess is that her and her no good, on-and-off again, lowkey emotionally abusive boyfriend, who also just so happens to be my ex and her got in another fight.
"I see why you ended things with him," she says. I spin around on my heels, my arms crossed over my chest. "Nice tits," she comments, gesturing my breasts that are pushed up my my arms right now and the push up bra she got me in order to get a coupon. I'm usually never one to wear "seductive" undergarments, knowing no one's going to see it anyways; but I was too lazy last night to wash my laundry, so this was sadly the only bra option I had.
"Oh, so you finally believe that he hit me?" I ask sarcastically. She rolls her eyes, giving me my answer. Everyone loved Justin and I together and he played the role of the perfect boyfriend; he was an amazing actor. Behind those fake kisses and whisperings in my ear that were filled with threats, he beat the hell out of me. No one but my mother believed me, not even Alex. She was too head over heels for him to want to imagine him doing such a thing.
"No," she sighs. "He's just...acting weird. We went to breakfast to try and relax before the first day of classes, and he was incredibly distant," she says. I sit down on made bed, stepping into my flats. "He even turned down sex with me."
"How tragic," I say sarcastically. She gets up again and grabs both our bags.
"I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot."

"What does your mom think about you taking this class?" Alex asks as we take a seat in the front. I shrug, setting my bag down. "Isn't your dad a priest?"
"Yes, can we not talk about my parents?" I ask. I hardly know my dad. From what I remember, whatever I did was never good enough and he wasn't the kindest of sprits. I've heard that he's now a pastor to his own church a few towns over. My mom has never been the most religious herself, but would always use it against me when I accidentally cussed or did something wrong.
"Fine. Have you seen the professor?" She asks, smirking. I shake my head, relaxing into my seat. "I've heard from a few people that started yesterday that he's hot. Like...sexy as hell hot." Everything she's saying is going in one ear and out the other. These days girls find almost everyone attractive if they're over 5'9. She's never been one to find one person attractive at a time, which I've never understood. If you're with a person, it should be because you want only that person; attraction is a sign of want.
The door in the corner opens and a tall man with dark hair and a brief case walks in. His suit looks awfully fancy for a professor. "That's him," Alex whispers to me, biting her lip while trying to get a better look. He turns around and writes on the chalkboard. Mr.Hellfire. "Even his name is sexy."
"Good morning everyone," he says loudly. I wasn't expecting a British accent. "I'm Mr.Hellfire, your religion professor." He tucks his hands in his pockets, walking around his desk. "Now, I'm going to tell you first and for most that I don't believe in religion myself."
"What?" I say to myself, confused as to why this man would be teaching religion when he doesn't believe in it himself.
"What was that, Miss?" He asks. I stay quiet, not sure if he's talking to me or the row of girls who are chatting about how handsome he is. "You, in the hideous white dress." I look down at myself, offended that he is insulted my dress and embarrassed that he would publicly humiliate me.
"You're teaching religion, but you're atheist?" I ask in shock. Everyone makes a shocked noice at my words. I'm usually never one to make a scene.
"Oh, of course not. I do believe in God....oh how I believe in him," he says, rolling his eyes. I tense. This man is strange, weird, odd, different, all of the freaking above. My father always said to never judge people, but he's making quite the first impression.
"But you just said you aren't religious. Believing is apart of religion, sir." He walks closer, smiling a wicked smile. This man could be the devil himself with that grin.
"Please, call me Lucifer," he says with a wink and goes back to the front. Dear God, help me. "I'm teaching it despite my beliefs because there is no one who knows the stories more than me." Someone raises their hand he points at them to speak.
"Not questioning your knowledge on the subject, but the girl in the hideous dress made a point. If you don't believe in religion, what makes you think you know it so well." He smiles again, leaning against his desk. Ever since he walked in I've felt tense when usually I'm relaxed in a classroom, completely in my element.
"Well you all don't know shit about me," he says. Wow, a teacher who cusses, just fabulous. "Don't question why I'm teaching this class until I've finished teaching you something. How about the last day of classes you can all tell me if you still think I'm unfit to teach this. Now, can we please begin."

"So," my professor starts, stopping in front of Alex and I as we put our notebooks away. "Who are you two?"
"I'm Alex," she says, shaking his hand with a smirk. "This is Aceldama."
"What a horrid name," he says, looking away from me. What is it with this man and insulting me? "Do you know what your name means?" I shake my head. I always knew it was biblical, but never wanted to look into it.
"No," I say.
"Field of blood," he says with a smile. "You're name was something of Jews. The field which was bought with money that had been given to the betrayer of the Lord. The word means "field of blood." It was originally called The Potter's Field."
"So they bought it out of a bargain with the devil?"
"Correct darling. Sometimes I regret doing that, caused great problems, but what can I say? I'm charitable." Alex and I side eye each other, confused and slightly scared. Is this man talking in first person about the devil? "Well you two should scurry along now. And please, Ace, wear something a little less...angelic. Doesn't fit the name."

AN: Nothing much to say other than welcooommeeee. Now, not everything will be accurate in this because I am no expert on the Bible.
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