Chapter 44 The Special Day

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Elizabeth's pov

After Meliodas defeat Bellion and he meet our daughter as for Zeldris. They couldn't stop talking to her for days. I was very happy and enjoyed it more. Merlin rebuild again Liones' castle as for my sisters were getting ready for the wedding. I couldn't help but being more happy that ever. Merlin and the girls were getting me ready for the wedding as elder hairstyler was making a new hair of mine. He ended making a right side braid with pink flower as putting the make up and the dress. I was sitting on a chair while Diane, Elaine and Gelda were dress up. Derieri was with the commandments because the commandments were being the first ones to guard the wedding and having fun. I really felt this day was going to last forever. ''So, everyone is getting ready as for you are waiting for them? Why auntie Diane and auntie Elaine are wearing those dresses?'' Deborah asked as I explained her that Diane and Elaine were my bridemaids and Merlin was my maid of honor. Deborah nods as I knew that no one but me, Meliodas and Zeldris can't hear her or see her. Even Ban and King thought that Zeldris was going crazy after he saw what Meliodas and I were doing. But Meliodas explained about the pregnancy 'magic' as they were utter shocked.

Good thing, she didn't asked that again but I have feeling that she will asked in the near future. I prayed she doesn't. ''Elizabeth, it already started. Lets hurry before Denzel gets nervous about 'giving you away''' Diane spoke as I looked at her and nods before noticing Gelda's dress. Gelda was wearing a white and red gothic victorian dress with puffy, short sleeved. With some victorian, ankle lace, white boots. That very suit her very much, even looks great on her. They took away from the room after Deborah disappear. We were walking on the hallways as Elaine give me the bridal bouquet with white and pink roses. I hold as walked toward my uncle who looked very nervous and waiting for us. My uncle was wearing a black suit with a blue robe and some golden medals. The girls to ready as I heard the music started. I know that song, it 'Can't help falling in love'. Gelda went inside and take her seat as Diane and Elaine walked first before let go piece of flowers. I notice my uncle really was nervous as he was build sweats. I gigging as I wrap my arm to his and looked at me while I was smiling. ''Its okay to be nervous, uncle Denzel. Everything will go alright'' I said as my uncle sigh of relief and looked clamer.

''I know, Elizabeth. But one who should be doing this is your father, Barta and not me. I really wish that he was alive and seeing your special day as giving you away'' he said. I know I wish he was alive. I really wish that. But I knew he here in my heart and telling me that he is so happy and pound of me. I knew it from my heart. ''I know that too, but he right here. In our hearts and saying he wish me luck for my future and yours. I know he would that said'' I said as my uncle smile and wish me luck for my future with Meliodas before entered the room. I saw whole room was with flowers and some elegant designs as I notice that everyone was there and I notice Meliodas was in the center with Ban, King and Zeldris at his side. Meliodas was wearing a white suit with a light grey tie as others were wearing black suits. Meliodas was speechless as Ban was whispering some in his ear and Zeldris and King quietlu laughs. My uncle let go me as I was in front of Meliodas and he was still speechless. I smile as I notice he have some red dust on his cheeks. 

''You looked incredibly gorgeous'' he whispered as I light blushed and my smile grew more as Gowther was our vow master and speech of our vows, loves and judges before getting the rings. The rings were victorian designs with gold rose. There was bigger than other what I guess is Meliodas' ring. ''Crown Demon Prince Meliodas, will you take Elizabeth Liones the Third Princess of Liones and the Great Goddess of the Goddess  Clan as your wife and your Queen'' Gowther spoke as Meliodas said 'I do'. ''Princess Elizabeth of Liones and Great Goddess, will you take the Crown Demon Prince Meliodas as your husband and the new Demon King of the Demon Clan'' Gowther said as I say 'I do' before we put our rings and smile at each others. I really felt so much happiness in me. ''Now I declare you as husband and wife. And too, the new rulers of the Demon Clan. Now you can kiss the bride'' Gowther add. Meliodas sigh of relief before pulled me and pick me up in princess hold. We lean to each others and kiss passionately as I heard everyone cheers. Its wasn't unlit we were in the garden with lot of foods, drinks and the wedding cake as Merlin give a speech that she was so happy that she met me and Meliodas, and change everyone's live by our love before everyone went dance and drink as crazy. 

Drole and Matrona were doing the scared dance with Diane in their human form as Ban, Galand, Melascula and Chandler were getting drunk as crazy. I laughs before eating some cake as Gloxinia and Drole say that they were happy that me and Meliodas were together and prayed that nothing happen in our honeynoon. I blushed lightly as I notice that Meliodas and Zeldris were tried to run away from Hawk and Wild furious dueling they eat their cake. I laughs more as I notice Deborah was walked somewhere in the forest. I stand up and walked where she went. I notice I was deep in the garden's forest before looking at the beautiful large lake with the moonlight giving the light of the lake. It was so beautiful and breathtaking. I notice Deborah was sitting in front of the lake as I went there and sit beside her. She was looking at moon and smiling more. ''Well, the wedding was really pretty as uncle Ban is getting dizzy and everyone is have fun. I really going to miss this lot'' she spoke as getting me confused. Why she said that she is going to miss this? I asked she what did she meant as Deborah looked at me with clam bright.

''Dueling the magic power I'm used to see, heard and take full appearance will be off when I'm born. Because of that, I won't remember any this or last days for a while'' she explained as I was in shocked.  She won't remember anything when she  born? Deborah soon giggling and getting me looked at her. She was smiling brightly. ''Even if I don't remember, the feeling will be still there and my memories will come back when I turn three or four. So worry, mommy'' she said as I was shocked but soon smile and knowing she was saying the true. Deborah say her byes as her glow and disappear to the starry sky. I know you will remember, just do forget about me and Meliodas. ''Deborah will forget everything when she born?'' I heard Meliodas' voice as getting me to turn my head around and seeing him with quite shocked looked. I was kinda of surprised he was here but I soon nods as walked over to me and sit behind me as wrapping his arms around my waist. I lean my back to his chest as I looked at him. ''There must be a way she doesn't forget. I don't want her doesn't remember about us'' He said with a worry tone. I only kiss his cheek as getting him to looked at me.

I only smile as Meliodas was confused. ''Didn't hear what she said, she will remember when she turn three or four. Meliodas, even if she can't remember. The feeling was still be there in her. Just have some faith'' I said as Meliodas was shocked but soon smile and saying 'alright' with a smile. I smile as knowing she will remember us. I knew from my heart. ''After the party is over, I will enjoyed our honeynoon very much as I make you scream my name'' He said as I burnt up to lava bits and Meliodas smirk. Soon Meliodas lean his head closer to mine as I closed my eyes and pulled into a passionate kiss. Everything in me was enjoying as the night went on.

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