Chapter 38 Tenderness

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Elizabeth's pov

After making out, we went to down stairs and eat dinner. After eating, we went up stairs and head to bed. Meliodas have me cuddled up as we went to sleeping. It was really warm as Meliodas put his hand on my tummy as I fell asleep. By the I woken up, I heard Ban and King shouted in upset about something about the tavern. I want to sleep as I a small 'whimper' getting Meliodas wake up fast and check on me. He soon let out his demonic mark and out off bed. He went to the door and opened. "YOU GUYS SHUT THE HELL UP NOW!!! I'M GETTING SICK AND TRIED OF YOUR DAMN ARGUMENTS NOW!!!! I IF I HEARS ONE DAMN YELL OR ARGUMENTS! I'M GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASSES UP INSEATED HAWK AND WILD!!!!" Meliodas shouted in upset and annoying tone as getting them to quiet.

I sigh as I was tried to get to sleep as Meliodas went my side and chuckles. "Sleep. I will not let interrupt your nap. Just rest, my Princess" he said as kiss my forehead. Soon I fell asleep quickly. By the time I woken up, it was the mid morning as I sit up and yawned. Soon I heard a chuckles as I already knew who was. I turn around and seeing Meliodas who was up and changes to his usaul outfit. He smile as he put his hand on my hand and saying 'good morning'. I said 'morning' as I let out a other yawned. Meliodas rub his thumb to my cheek as keeping his smile. "I have to work and tell them some rules before the wedding. Gelda came to cheek on you since Diane and Elaine are working and Derieri went to a meeting of the Ten Commandments. So, I will be pretty busy this morning for a while" he said as I nods and tell him its alright. His smile grew more as he kiss my cheek.

I knew that he have to get some rule of the boar hat before leaving. I think Ban and King might destroy the tavern if Hawk and Wild isn't there. Meliodas give me a quick kiss and leaving as Gelda entered. Gelda closed the door and smiled as she next to me. "Hey Elizabeth, how you're doing with the pregnancy? I heard that today Meliodas woke and shouted mad to down stair where everyone was working. So, what happened?" She asked as I explained that I heard Ban and King shouted in a argue that I couldn't sleep and make furious Meliodas. Gelda nods as saying they should be more quiet since I'm prengnant. I giggles as knowing they will not since Meliodas warning.

Soon Gelda asked how the wedding will be as getting me explained everything. Gelda's eyes lit up as fireworks and saying my wedding will be marvelous. I giggles as I notice that was a ring on her left hand. Soon I was shock as got excited. D-did Zeldris actually did it?!? Gelda notice my experience as she blushed crimson. "Gelda! Did Zeldris proposed you?!?" I said with a suprised tone as she nods. I asked her how it happened as she smile. "Well, yesterday when I was helping him with the coronation of Meliodas. Zeldris took me into the midnight garden of the Demon Clan. He was reminded me of how the Demon Clan can work with other Clans and especially the Vampire Clan since my father, the Vampire King Izraf is dead and no longer hold any threat to the other Clan along with my siblings. I was thankfully for he save me and my younger brother Orlondi from the execution. That when he proposed me and saying that we can be together without a war to separating us. You already know what was my awsner, anyways" she explained.

I was happy that Zeldris finally proposed Gelda and can be together with her. I know a new beginning of Briantania will soon started with a new Clan and peace. I couldn't help but to smile more. Soon Gelda asked me if I want to watch a movie. I nods as we turn on the T.V. and went on Vudu. We watch 'Crazy Rich Asians' a comdy-romantic movie. We spead half mid morning watch it to the afternoon. "I can't believe that Eleanor did that to Rachel and find out her past that she doesn't. That the new evil step mother of Cinderella if she wasn't that real mother of Nick who is the Prince Charming" Gelda said as I laughs and saying that true.

I was happy being with someone who fell love with the Demon Princes. Gelda and I are kinda of similar. We been alone with tyrants parents who didn't really care about us and fell in love with the Demon Princes who are really kind. I don't know if I didn't have friend like her and the girls. I'm really happy that I really meet this life and seeing Meliodas again. I really meant it.

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