Chapter 30 Our love

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Elizabeth's pov

After making out, we went back to the shack and I make lunch for us and then went back outside. I was still glanced the sky and thinking it's was beautiful. We spend mid morning to afternoon outside. I was wondering how I'm going to pick a girl name for my child as the wind blow my hair away. I didn't notice Meliodas was looked at me until I turn my head. Meliodas soon grabbed and pulled me on his lap as I warm up. Meliodas moves his head to my ear and felt his breath. I blushed as crazy and darker.

"Tristan" he spoke as I turn my head and seeing he. I was confused as I soon asked what he meant. "I thought of name Tristan. It means 'bond' I thought of that if our child is boy" Meliodas soon explained as he put his hand on my tummy and the other one hold my hand gentle. I lay on his chest as I thinking about the name Tristan. 'Bond' the meaning sound wonderful and how me and Meliodas are deeply cares for each other and love. "I love it" I said as I gave a bright smile. Meliodas soon smile as he kiss my lips and put his head back. I blushed but still keep my smile as I looked at my stomach. I finally thought the name I want if its a girl as Meliodas pulled me closer to him.

He soon asked what name I pick as I closed my eyes. "Deborah. Its means 'bee' as it symbolism 'love and also fidelity and virginity'. The name belong to a heronie from a book I used to read and called 'Book of judges'" I explained as I open my eyes. I really love to read that book when I was little. That story tale about  a prophetess who fought and proctected her people from the conquers. I couldn't help but to brightly smile about the story. "I like it" Meliodas said as he kiss my cheek and hug me closer. I smile as the afternoon begins to be late afternoon and about to started the evening. I made dinner as we eat outside. I looked at the sky when I was finished. It was starry and very beautiful that I couldn't help but glanced more as the moom was pure white.

Meliodas soon grabbed my hand and pulled me the flied of flowers as he grabbed my other hand. I was confused as Meliodas stop and looked at me. "Want to dance with me?" He asked as holding my hands. I was surprised as nods. We dance slow and nice. It was like how I imagine it. Just me and Meliodas as fireflies appear and the nice sound of the waterfall. I felt this moment was going to last for eternity. My heart was beating warmth, tenderness and love so much.

Meliodas let go of my hand as putting it on my chin and the other one was on my waist. I was burning up as he lean and pulled me into a kiss. I was surprised as I closed my eyes and kiss back. The kiss was pure love with passion. I couldn't help but to feeling this moment as the tingle return and worst. We pulled away for the kiss and were heavy breaths. Meliodas pick me up and carrying with my legs as going inside of the shack. Meliodas pinned to wall as he pulled me into a rougher and harder kiss. I mouns in the kiss as I wrap my legs around him. The kiss was getting more rougher and harder. My face went to lava bits as we pulled away for the kiss with heavily breaths. Meliodas move his head closer to my ear as I felt his breaths. "Now we can continue from this morning. I want you to scream my name as many times I make love with you" he whispered as he bite off my tie and pulled my collar. I burn up as hotter as the sun and my face went to crimson wine color.

Meliodas soon started lickling and sucking my neck. I moan in high pitch as Meliodas went down to collar. I knew my face was in wine color as Meliodas bite my collarbone. "Meliodas!" I shouted his named as I gripping his hair. Meliodas pulled as instant, we reappear in the bedroom as Meliodas pinned to the bed. His hand was on my waist and the other one was under my dress where the waistband of the leggings were. My face really heat up as Meliodas moves his head closer to my ear. "Just says the words now" he whispered as he licking my ear. I moans as my lust beg me to let him have all of me. "M-Meliodas!" I moans as Meliodas was biting my ear softly. "I-I want you....don't do it hard!" I nearly shouted in stutter as Meliodas pulled down my leggings. He moves his head closer to mine and pulled me into a rougher, harder and yet, passionate kiss. I kiss back as I gripping his hair tighly.

No matter what, how many time I tried to fight it. I'll always surrender as well, make love with him.

My Guardian and My dearest demon protector MelizabethUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum