Chapter 28 The Demon Prince and The Princess of Liones

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Elizabeth's pov

We went to the north of the mountains of Britannia where was a shack next to a waterfall. The shack was where me and Merlin used to lived back from the holy war. I used to stay here from goddess and when I save Derieri before Meliodas take me. I was surprised that the shack haven't change at all. The shack still looks like a warm place for home. I was happy that it didn't get ruin and old. Meliodas land in front in of the Shack. He was still carrying me in princess hold as he used his darkness to open the door and seeing a the living room.

Meliodas walked in and went to upstairs. Meliodas was in a deep a thought as we entered to the bedroom. Meliodas closed the door as put me down and pinned me fast to the wall. I felt his breath as his body was close to mine. I burn up as Meliodas's hand on the wall close to my neck and the other one was my waist. "My instincts and my heart are telling me to have you, want you and need you so much that I'm losing control of myself" he whispered as I turn crimson. I know Meliodas's feelings and emotions were gone but his heart still wants me and loves me.

"Meliod-" I got cut off by Meliodas pulled into a kiss. I was shock as I closed my eyes and kiss back. The kiss was getting slightly rough but yet, passionate as Meliodas pulled me gentle to the bed and make me sit. I felt the kiss get rougher and hard as Meliodas suck my lips. I blushed as we pulled away for the kiss but our heads were still close. It didn't took a second that Meliodas pulled me into a another kiss as he pulled me more to the bed as my head lay on the pillow.

Meliodas's hands were hold my hands and clasped gripped our fingers together as the kiss was more rougher and hard. I turn away from the kiss and Meliodas ended up kiss my neck. "" I said his name in heavy breaths as Meliodas looked at me with a serious look. I couldn't understand why Meliodas still have this fondness for me. Even if his feelings and emotions were gone, he still he wants me. He need me.

I felt the tingling come back as I looked at Meliodas with a shock look. "Evey time I'm with you, I feel happiness in my life. Every time I heard your voice, it makes me smile that I never smile before. Every time I touch you, my heart beats like crazy as hold in my embrace. I can't help this feeling evey time I'm with you, even if my emotions are gone. The feeling of my heart, still and always love you as much I can handle. I will always and forever love you" he spoke as his demonic mark disappeared and his emerable eyes appear.

I was shock and happy as I build tears. "Meliodas" I said his name as he pressure his lips to mine. I kiss back as the kiss was tenderness, warmth and love. My heart was beating crazy as Meliodas free his hands and started  unbuttoning my shirt. He unbuttoned my collar as he moves his head closer to my neck and suck it. I let out a moan as I notice his coatwaist of darkness was gone. Meliodas started kisses and suck down my neck to my collarbone. I let out moans as we make love. I was wake as Meliodas have me cuddle and holding close to him.

I put my hand on his cheek while he was asleep. I was thinking how were Merlin, the girls and others doing while we were far away. I knew they were alright as I put my head on Meliodas's chest as I closed my eyes. My thoughts were still wonder so many things for our future but I knew eveything was going to be alright and fine as longest Meliodas was on my side, I knew he will always protected me and our child as loving us with all of his heart.

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