Chapter 40 Your love give me hope

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Elizabeth's pov

After laughs hard, We continue watching Dumbo as the morning was beginning to be the afternoon. Gelda asked me about what to called a Hybrid of Demon and Vampire. I told her a vamdemon as she nods since she wanted to what hybrids of mix races. We were talking and saying some jokes. Gelda joke about if Chander and Cusack were yelling at Meliodas and Zeldris fight like Hawk and Wild. They weren't going to stop Meliodas and Zeldris. We both laughs very much as I notice that Meliodas was leaning at the door and watching us. I blushed for embarrassment as Gelda notice Meliodas was there. "How long you were there?" She asked as Meliodas closed his eyes and let a 'hmm'.

"Long in enough that to hear those jokes. They were very funny and the one who was funnier was that Chander and Cusack taking lessons from Hawk and Wild. May they raised me and Zeldris but they can't control us when we get into fights lot" he said as opening his eyes and laughs. I smile as he walked over to me and bend before kissing my forehead. I blushed but keep my smile as Gelda was giggled. "So, how was talking to the others before the wedding and leaving?" I asked as Meliodas give a 'hmm' again. "Well, it's was fine as Hawk and Wild were yelling at Ban and King for waking up Elizabeth. Besides, in 5 or 7 days the wedding will start" he said as I was surprised about the wedding was being earlier. Meliodas soon said that Zeldris wants to see Gelda. Gelda nods as we say our byes and closed the door before leaving.

Meliodas sit next to me and kiss my forehead. I blushed and smile more. "Gelda is worry more as I do about Bellion who still alive and wandering around. It's not for you and our daughter to stay here in Liones" Meliodas said as getting my attention and looked with a surprised look. He looked very worry and how he spoke was worry. I think he was thinking about my safety and our daughter. I told him to not to be worry as he shook his head and got a very serious looked. I was confused.

"I have to be worry about you and Deborah who is still inside of you. I know I can trust Merlin, your friends or the group to protected you but this is Bellion. That bastard have is more stronger and kill for fun like the others Six Knights of Black. He knows about you are carried our daughter. Staying in Liones is dangerous now. Remember what happen when he attack Merlin and almost she barely make out alive thanks to Escanor. Elizabeth, why aren't you worry about this?" He asked as my brang covered my eyes. I know he was worry and he was right. Merlin almost barely make out alive and Bellion was dangerous to me and my daughter. Meliodas wants me safe somewhere else. I love that part of him who proctected from anyone who tried to hurt me.

That was one of my reason why I fell in love with him and giving me faith. "Because your love give me hope, Meliodas" I said as Meliodas was utter shock. I know he was my reason why I didn't lose hope. I smile as I grabbed his hand and looked at him with a soft and clam look. "Me too, I'm worry about Bellion who still wandering around but I know that you can defeated him. You give me hope and faith of thing that I'm afraid and scared. I know you are right about he almost kill Merlin and you and he dangerous for me to stay in Liones. But I know that you and everyone who I trust with my heart can proctected me and our daughter. Meliodas, I trust you with all my heart as I love you" I said as Meliodas was utter shock but soon pulled me in his embraced.

I was surprised but hug him back. "You're very strong with those words, Elizabeth. The one of the reasons I fell in love with you and loving you more the ever. If when Bellion does show up, I promise you that I will defeated him and return to you and our daughter. I just want you to be safe with our daughter. I don't want to lose you and our daughter because you two are very important for me and even precious" he spoke as I hug tightly. I felt the warmth, tenderness and love in me. Meliodas really me and Deborah who is still not born yet, but still he grew love for her as I do. I couldn't help but to be happy. I couldn't help but to smile more and brightly. Soon we pulled away form the hug as Meliodas pinned me to the bed before kiss me passionately. I was shock but soon kiss back as the warmth and tenderness grew more.

We pulled away from the kiss as we were heavily breathing. I open my eyes and seeing Meliodas was smiling before taking off his shirt and 
laid next to me as hold me gently. "Elizabeth, I love you then more anything from this life and the after life. I will protected you and our daughter until my soul breaks" he said as getting me to cuddle with him and putting my head on his chest. Meliodas, I love you too and never stop loving you no matter what.

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