Chapter 14 The false claim

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"Elizabeth's pov"

They took me into a outside table as Elaine and Diane tell our order and sit down. "Alright Elizabeth, tell us everything about your date with Meliodas" Diane nearly shouted. The four girls have all their attention on me. I started playing with my earring as took a deep breath and sigh. Here we go with whole story. "Well, we walked at the park for bit and talk about our families. I start about Meliodas's brother, Zeldris. How two those get along" I start explained as Gelda's eyes were lit up like fireworks. I was confused why but I was telling the date.

"He told me that his brother, Zeldris was his only family he have. They were close and he is sincere, honest, good commanding and leadership that Meliodas said that Zeldris makes him a great leader of the ten commandments" I explained as I notice Gelda's eyes were more lit up like the starry night. There was something  I missed. Diane and Eliane notice about Gelda's eyes were lit up as Derieri soon smirk and she leaned her seat. "Gelda, when Elizabeth finished. You have to tell us your relationship with Zeldris" Derieri respond in a playful tone. I was shocked along with girls. Gelda soon blushed deep red. Gelda is dating with Meliodas's brother, Zeldris. Gelda said Derieri name in stutter tone. Derieri laugh and saying that why she didn't tell since almost of us before me was dating. That we are dating. Gelda was trying to clam down her blushed.

I knew Derieri was dating one her member of the ten commandments, Monspeet. Elaine soon asked me to continue. I nodded. "Then Meliodas asked about my family. I told him that they always been at my side and I'm very grateful that I was born to that good family. We went to a cafe and talking for whole day. When it's was the late afternoon, Meliodas took me for a dance in the festival. I told that I didn't know how to dance but Meliodas help me. We dancing for the whole late afternoon to the evening" I finished explained. Diane said that she was thankful that Meliodas help me to dance. The girl agree with her as Derieri said it's Gelda turn.

Gelda sigh as she started explaining. That she and Zeldris met back in the holy war as allies. Gelda and him were always close that soon they were falling in love. Zeldris save her and her brother from execution dueling her father, the vampire king Izraf was leading a rebellion to the demon king. Zeldris lied to his demon king that he killed all of the royal vampires but Gelda and her brother along with their clan were hiding. I couldn't help but to listen to their story. I really enjoyed it as I saw something that made my vision weird. "I'm tried to listen my mother about her false claims about the demon clan. I want do the right things in my life. I will save her even that means turn my back on my clan and not becoming the next ruler!" I heard my voice saying that.

I hold my hold thinking what is happening to me. Mother? I don't have a mother and what all this mean? "Elizabeth?" I heard Gelda said my name in worry tone. I looked at them and they were worried about me. Derieri asked what wrong. "I been have these strange dreams and a vision since yesterday at night. I don't what happening but these dreams are almost like mermories and I'm still confused" I explained. They were shock and worry. Elaine asked if I have told anyone about this. I shook my head. I remember that a dazzle of light come from and hit Pump before Meliodas came. I about to tell until a explosion came to us. Derieri use her darkness to cover us and cafe as everyone run away. I was shock and confused what was happening. Diane, Eliane, Gelda, and Derieri looked ready to fight as Gelda shouted to they show to themself.

I saw someone was coming in the blur and it's was my uncle, Denzel Liones. My uncle is a tall, muscular elder man with blue eyes and long sliver hair that is tried up. His mustache and bread are long. He wearing a blue attire with mainly armor and have a vestment underneath. He was carried a two swords as came to us. I was confused why he attack us as Diane demanded him what the meaning of this and saying my sister never order a attack to my friends. "I'm here without orders of my niece. I came to finished the attack of demon clan who are attacking our knights and they even hurt my members, Adrian and Deldry. So, I will take hostage the demon prince Zeldris's lover, the royal vampire Gelda and take out the commandment of purify, Derieri" my uncle explained.

We were shock as Derieri shouted him, it's the six knights of black who are attacking and saying they were outlaws to the demon clan. Gelda move to my side as Derieri, Elaine and Diane were in front us. "Elizabeth, if he was find out that you are Meliodas's lover. Things will get really bad" Gelda whipser. I nodded as Denzel asked me to move away from Gelda and saying the demon clan were betrayed and saying I shouldn't be friends with outcasts. Soon a strike went to my eyes. I felt I shouldn't let him said it, I felt a power inside me telling me to stop him. "Your wrong, Uncle!" I shouted.

Everyone looked at me with shock faces. I'm not going to let him said that. "You don't know them well. I know Derieri and Gelda been lot from the holy war and fought against the rulers of the goddess and demon. They are kind, generous, and helping me with everything. You don't have a right to said. I'm not going to let hurt the demon clan, Derieri, Gelda or even Meliodas because..." I knew things will get bad but I knew I want to be with Meliodas. I really wanted. "I'm in love with Meliodas. So, I want to stay on his side" I said. My uncle was utter shocked as Derieri said I have lot of strong willed power. Then a other explosion came and seeing two people with a smirk on their faces.

One was a woman with a gingery hair tried up to two buns from each other of top of her head. And two long strips of her hair were curled down. Her demonic mark was red instead of black and it was star shape between her red eyes. She was wearing a pink bra with attached black sleeves over her arms and black bottoms with a pink belt and yellow star in the certain. And red shoes. The other was a humanoid lion with red and yellow fur. His demonic mark was red on his left eye. He was muscular and wearing a green wrap around skirt. Held a wood staff on his hands.

"Six knights of black, Galla and Derocchio" Gelda said in a cold tone. I have a feeling that most of the six knights of black's mark were red. And the worst was coming

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