"What did I do to deserve you?" I asked in response. I felt him smile against my neck. We laid there in silence, Ryuji occasionally kissing my neck as I ran my hands through his now short hair.

There was suddenly a knock at the door, and we both jumped. "(Y/N)? Ryuji?" It was Torako. "Can I come in?" she asked. "Mephisto's here to speak with (Y/N)," she announced. Ryuji sat up and pulled himself to the edge of the bed, his feet dangling off the end.

"Yeah, come in," he called. I sighed and pulled myself up to sit against the wall behind my bed, a pillow still behind my back. The door opened revealing Mephisto in his loud get up that he insisted was his best formal wear. Behind him, I could just see the top of Lightning's head. I groaned internally. He can't be here for this, I hissed mentally. Ryuji must have sensed my tension because he put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it in reassurance. I sent him a small smile of thanks.

"Well hello, my dear," Mephisto said flamboyantly as he entered the room. "Mr. Okumura told me of our current situation," he said, a mysterious glint in his eyes and a smirk on his face. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He assumed a spot on my desk chair, Lighting coming to stand behind him. "Well, darling. Why don't you tell me what has been going on the past few days with these migraines. And Yukio said there was something else this last time, no?" I nodded in confirmation. Lightning peered over at Ryuji who had moved himself to rest against the wall next to me.

"Is it necessary for him to be here? We can't be spilling information," Lightning said.

"He can stay," Mephisto said immediately before I could say a word. "He's been with her during these 'migraines' and likely has more information about them than the two of us," Mephisto said elegantly. "He's all caught up to speed, no?" I nodded once again in confirmation. "Alright. Now, why don't you tell me about all of these episodes you've had. And I want what you saw down to the last detail, the best you can," he demanded, a serious expression taking over his face.

I quickly told him of everything I had seen and how I had felt. Just like Mr. Okumura, the longer I spoke, the more concerned he became. "That is most troubling," Mephisto mused, resting his chin in his palm. "So you're still seeing Ishida?" he asked. I flinched at the name but nodded nonetheless.

"Yes," I whispered, not looking at the headmaster. I felt Ryuji's strong hand wrap around mine in a small display of reassurance. I squeezed his hand in silent thanks. "There really isn't much to go off of," I said quietly, still refusing to look at the two men across the room. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, my dear girl," Mephisto scoffed. "This isn't your fault." He readjusted himself in his seat with a sigh. "The stone you saw," he began. "Was there anything in it, anything carved into it? Symbols? Writing?" I closed my eyes, thinking hard.

"I think there was something, but I don't know what. There was something carved in, but I didn't see it long enough to pick anything out," I said slowly, looking up at the ceiling.

"Okay," Mephisto said softly. "Don't push yourself. It's okay." His jaw suddenly set as his eyes narrowed. He leaned forward before speaking again. "Have you felt uneasy around he cram school or while training? I know we spoke about it before," he said, looking me right in the eyes. I wrapped my arms around myself, not wanting to admit how I had been feeling in front of everyone, but Mephisto needed to know, and I couldn't hide anything from Bon anymore. We had made a deal.

"It's like a constant unease or bit of anxiety. It hasn't gone away since I spoke to you last," I admitted softly, not looking at anyone. I instead fixed my eyes on the floor.

"Okay," Mephisto said again before I heard him move. He stood from his spot in my chair and approached the bed. He patted my arm and gave him a small, obviously fake, smile. "We'll get to the bottom of this, (Y/N)," he promised sincerely. "Just rest and let us take care of it. If you have another episode or another vision, let someone know immediately. We can't discount anything at this point, alright, Miss (L/N)?" he asked, an eyebrow raising.

"Got it," I whispered. The man in front of me sent me a sad look.

"We'll stop this nightmare, (Y/N)."

{Line Break}

Ryuji's soft snores were the only sound reaching my ears as we both laid under the covers of my bed. He laid behind me, holding me close to him with his arms around my waist and one leg thrown over my own. It was early evening, before dinner, and I had grown tired. The episodes had taken more out of me than I had previously thought. I couldn't stop yawning. Ryuji suggested taking a nap which I readily agreed to. He was quick to fall asleep, but I couldn't seem to find peace in the void.

I took Ryuji's hand in my own and rubbed a thumb over the back of his hand, thinking about how thankful I was for him. Through all of this mess, he had been my rock. He had been a steady presence throughout this entire ordeal, never once wavering. He had been there for me to lean on, to come to in the middle of the night bawling my eyes out because of a nightmare. His arms were always open. We had grown impossibly closer since our fight. I was so thankful for the boy who lay behind me. I snuggled deeper into his arms, closing my eyes and letting out a small breath of air.

Ryuji let out a sudden huff, and I knew he was awake. His grip on me tightened, and he pulled me flush up against his chest. "Hello, beautiful," he muttered into my ear, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. I blushed and pulled his arms closer around me, shielding me from everything that could come to harm me. After his little proclamation today, I knew he would always be here, no matter how messy things got. He really loved me, and I really loved him in return. "Did you sleep at all?" he asked, and I shook my head.

"No, but I enjoyed just laying here with you," I told him. I felt him smile against my neck. I twisted around in his arms and buried my face in his chest, breathing in his comforting scent. I let out a sigh of relief. "I love you, Ryuji," I muttered.

"Love you too, (Y/N)," he said, his hand rubbing up and down my back in a soothing motion.

"Ryuji?" I said after a minute of laying in silence.

"Hmm?" he hummed. I knew he was drifting back to sleep, but this was important. I needed him fully awake for this.

"Ryuji, this is important. I need to you awake," I said, poking his nose. His eyes snapped open. He glared down at me, but it didn't last long. It never did. "I think this is all something I need to talk to Katsuro and Kitiara about. I think they need to know. They might know something we don't." My boyfriend looked thoughtful, nodding at my words.

"I think that's a good idea, but," he said, holding up one finger. "I'll allow you to meet them on one condition," he said, and I glared.

"You can't stop me from meeting with my demons," I growled. "Don't you dare try to stop me."

"I won't. But I need to be there with you," he said. I thought about it for a minute. I didn't think there was anything wrong with that. "I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong, and you're completely safe." I nodded, understanding where he was coming from.

"Okay. I'm used to Shura being there anyway. I'm sure they won't mind, but they have to listen to me anyway," I said with a smirk. Bon smirked right back.

"That's my girl."

The Boy with the Two Toned Hair (Bon X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें