Chapter 15: Rogue Attack

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Chapter 15: Rogue Attack


(Lexy’s POV)


I woke up and had the best sleep in my entire life. I stretched my hand looking for Jonathas’ comfort but I felt nothing. I frowned; I wanted to at least wake up beside him.i was about to get up and look for him when I heard his voice.

“Jacob, it’s me.” He said and I listened to his conversation in the phone.

“Jonathas. So tell me what happened?” The guy on the phone asked.

“I got my mate back, so i won the bet.”

“So, the Jonathas charms are still there huh?”

“I told you, no women can ignore me.” He chuckled.

"Pay up." he added.

“So what will you do with Mia now?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know or you don’t want to get rid of her?”

I quietly growled. So he’s just proving to this Jacob that he can make me fall for him so easily?! How dare he play with my heart! I saw my phone on the top of the drawer next to the bed and tried to call Lance or Steve but no signal. I gently placed it back and just stopped my tears from falling.

“Look bro, I need to go. I think my mate’s ganna wake up.”

“Okay, you better be nice to your mate well... there’s no down side anyway. You still have Mia.” Jacob chuckled and their conversation ended.

I turned my back on him and acted to still be sleeping. I held my tears in and hid my sobs about to come out. I felt his cold, hard muscular chest press on my back and his long arms around me.

“Wake up love.” He whispered in my ear.

I opened my eyes and a tear fell. I remove his hold from me and stood up. I went in the bathroom and saw my clothes already there. I wore them and brushed my hair. As I look at myself in the mirror, my eyes were watery. I shed a few tears but stopped before I broke. I wiped them away and put a light make up on, hidding the fact that i cried. I went out and Jonathas was there already dressed. He smiled at me and I looked away.

“Let’s go Jonathas.” I spoke.


“I need to get home.” I responded.

“Okay.” He nodded and we went out.

We were walking down the stairs when he tried to hold my hand but I pulled away. As we enter the kitchen, breakfast was already prepared. We sat down and ate quietly. Jonathas tried to talk to me but I just nodded preventing myself to burst in tears. After we ate, we went out and a yacht was already there on shore waiting. We rode it and went home quietly.

We got there about 1 and a half hour. We got to the dock and I checked my phone again and I finally had a signal. Then 20 miscall from Kace appeared, 30 from Lance and a message from Steve. What could be the trouble now?

I opened the message and my eyes widened, my heart beat was going faster, worried, my wolf wanted to come out. I dropped my phone and ran in the woods; shifting in my pure white wolf. I don’t care if my clothes were ripped; I need to see my baby. Steve’s text rang in my mind.... ROGUE ATTACK.

(Unknown POV)


“What have you found out about Jonathas King?” I asked.

“It’s all in here.” He responded giving me a file.

I opened it and my eyes widened. A growl escaped my lips.

“Gather the pack, make them train twice as hard, make sure they’re strong enough to fight. We’re leaving in 2 days.” I commanded.

“But Alpha, why do we need to train twice?”He asked.


He nodded running out.

I looked once again at the papers and my blood boiled. We need to be there before the blood moon, or else it might be her last. I promise Lexy, I will come for your rescue and save you from this monster you call mate. Just wait, I’ll be there in 2 days flat. I’ll be there this time. I’ll surely be there before he tries anything to do to you.

but for now, i need to go somewhere.


Since you guys like my story here's the next chapter.... i know i promised to upload as soon as i got 8 votes but i got busy so.... as an appology, here's the next chapter.

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