Chapter 26: Night walkers ❤ & saying "Good Bye"

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Lexy's POV.

I stared at my son sleeping soundly on our bed.  I couldn't help but feel at ease. Every time i look at him, something's just.... different. It's not just the physical appearance that's different, but also with my connection with him. Something's wrong.

Then i heard the door open. i turned my attention to it, and Leaf entered with a bruise on his right cheek. As much as i want to ask if he's okay, i have other important questions to ask. He sat down on the bed and put a blanket until Lee's shoulder, keeping him warm. He looked at me with a smile but i just gave him a blank look.

"Come here." he called with a soft soothing voice.

I walked toward him and i was ganna sit a little bit farther from him but he pulled me by the waist making me sit on his lap. His arms around my waist and his neck on the crook of my neck, making me feel a chill down my spine.

"You smell so good." he spoke inhaling my scent.

"Leaf, what... what happened to Lee?" i asked.

"You like my little surprise baby? I made your wish come true." he responded kissing my neck.

"Wha-what wish?" i asked trying not to let a moan escape my lips.

"I made Lee my, our son now Lexy. Just like you always wanted. Not Jonathas, but mine." there was a hint of possessiveness in his voice as he said 'mine'.

"How? How can that be?" hos is that even possible?

"My blood's special. with just a single drop of my blood can make someone my own flesh and blood. Lee's my child now, our child." he smiled now holding my hand but still kept the other on my waist.

"Why would you do that?" i asked making him stiff. He made me look at him in the eyes and there was a mix of expression. Curiosity, anger but mostly curiosity.

"Why wouldn't i? You always wanted me to be Lee's real father didn't you? i just made it true Lexy. You know i always wanted to make you happy and this is just one way I'll show you how much i love you. I can take responsibilities that Jonathas cant."

He hugged me and i hesitated but i hugged him back. I should be happy right? Happy that Leaf is now Lee's father. Happy that Leaf, Lee and i are now a family. Happy that Jonathas can no longer be a part of it. Then a tear fell from my eye. wait a minute... i wanted this but... why? why does it feel so wrong? Why do i feel so sad... and


Jonathas's POV

"Night walkers"

These are vicious, blood thirsty beasts. A freak of nature. No one knows how and when these creatures came to being. Some say they came from the very pits of hell.

they were called 'Night walkers'  because their full power comes during the night. They are much stronger than average wolves even Alphas. Ordinary Night walkers were described as, as big as an Alpha, even as powerful as one. A pack of Night walkers can take out a whole continent in just a blink of an eye, no pack can stand against them.

Their Alphas were described as ruthless, and dangerous. They are ten times stronger and faster making them ten times blood thirsty. They can walk on four paws or two, but only royal Night walkers can do it. Alphas were distinguished during wars because of either blood red eyes or their size.

They appeared during the 14th century but mysteriously disappeared in the 18th century. Some say the moon goddess wiped them out and dragged them down back to hell or they went back to hell and rested, waiting to come back to the face of the earth to take over the earth once again.

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