Chapter 3: Explinations

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Lexy's Pic --------------------------------------->

(Lexy's POV)

the ride was silent, apart from Kace who was nagging me through the mind link asking me how he was in bed you know and all those crap. Seriously, i dont even remember one second of it! it was my first it should have been memorable! I'm ganna kill that jack ass someday.

After a long ride in the air, we reached Australia. Home! finally! we got out of the plain and head to the pack house using our own cars. Lance and Kace in their back porcia, Steven and Hillary using there silver jeep commander, Oliver with his Ferrari and me with hy black motor bike. i miss my baby.

Baby... will i- No... dont hink of it Lexy. the other pack members shifted and we headded home. we got there and mom and dad welcomed me and Oliver with a warm smile on ther face.

"Lexy moon, didnt i tell you to get rid of that bike? you need to be a proper lady, and proper ladies dont use those bike." mom said eyeing my baby.

"I tried to tell her mom but she just wont listen, hardheaded." Oliver chuckled.

"Just like her father." mom added.

"Like father like daughter." i smiled.

"That's my girl." dad smirked.

"see, that's what i'm worried about. You're spoiling her." mom sighed.

"okay guys, let's take this inside, i believe Oliver has something to say to us." i said.

we all went in, after we took our bags to our room, mom, dad, oliver and i went in dad's office.

"I found my mate." Oliver immidiately said as we entered the room.

"My baby boy has finally found his mate!" Mom started to cry.

"Mom, he hust found his mate, he's not dying."

"Congratulations son." dad smiled.

"Can you tell me how she looks like? is she beautiful?" mom asked wipping her tears.

"Her name's Cameron, She's breath taking, we met last night actually. She's the daughter of the Alpha in New York.She was so beautiful, her light brown eyes, dark long hair and her fair skin. Not to mention her red lips. God if she would let me, i would kiss-"

"Okay you like her very much no need to explain further." i smiled cutting her off.

Oliver glared at me and just rolled his eyes.

"And her father wants me to join them." he added.

"That's good, we can merge and she'll be a-"

"Actually, her father only want me to join them, he says it would prove my love for her daughter." oliver said cutting dad off.

"Oh, then i believe you're not ganna be alpha." dad nodded.

"I know Lexy can do it, she's a strong woman, she's Alpha Female material." Oliver smiled slunging an arm on me.

 i faked smiled. Ah! why did i do to deserve this?! it's not that i dont want to be the Female alpha and all but why now? why now that i have a bad news?!

"What's wrong Lexy?" Oliver noticed.

"Nothing, just tired i guess." i said.

"Lexy, you can go now, Me and your mom needs to talk to Oliver for a wjile." dad nodded.

i went out and ran to my room. I lay on my purple bed and just stared at the celeing. An alpha Female who lost her virginity in a total stranger, the alpha of the strongest pack, that's me.

He's my MATE... HELL NO!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat