Chapter 8

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"What. Was. That. About?" is all I heard as I opened the door of the car. I was still in shock of what just happened. "I... don't... know," I stammered. I seriously didn't know what had just happened all I know is that I will be ready by 7 and Michael will take me out to pizza and a movie. I keep thinking about that kiss and how his lips collided with mine. "What do you mean you don't know?! Michael Clifford just made out with you in front of the whole school!!" Faith shouted from the back seat. I grinned and said "Ya and he'll be at my house at 7 to pick me up." I can't help but blush. "No. Way.!!" They shout together.


I'm sitting on my bed staring at my closet wondering what I'm going to wear tonight. I glance at the clock and it's only 5:30 and all I've done is shower. I've never been on a date or whatever this is before. How do you dress for stuff like this? Since it's just pizza and a movie I wear some skinnies with a hole in the knee and a white shirt that's a tad see through so I were a strapless black lace bra under it. I wear my green low cut converse. I decide to not wear make up since I normally don't and braid my hair. I have butterflies in my stomach. I go down stairs and the house is empty like it usually is. And by this time it's 6:30. I have 30 more minutes till Michael comes by to pick me up. I wonder if it's going to be awkward? What if I trip? What if I cry because of the movie? Oh god I'm freaking myself. Stay cool Emmily he's just a guy, I say to myself but still get nervous. I sit on the couch watching "Awkward" on MTV when there is a nock on my door. Not thinking that it might be Michael I answer the door still paying attention to the TV and I look outside and there stand Michael Clifford. He wore a plain back tee and black skinnies with a worn out leather jacket and black converse. His pink hair everywhere like it normally is. But there is something about that leather jacket that turns me on. We stand there for a few seconds just starring at each other. I hear Jenna say something on the TV, which snaps me back into reality. I turn the TV off and throw the remote at the couch and close and lock the door behind me. We walk to his car in silence while casually stealing glances at each other. I get in the car and so does he and he turns the car on and their CD is playing and I smile cause it's on my favorite song from the disc, it has something to do with amnesia.

"Oh I didn't realize that was in there."

"No keep it in I like this song."

He leans back in his seat and I sing along with it. Well singing along I see out of the corner of my eye a smile on his face. When the song is over he says,

"Wow didn't think anyone would actually memorize our songs."

"Why? Y'all are amazing. This CD is all I've been listening to these past few days."


"Ya." I say blushing a little. We continue to just listen to the CD when we pull up to "Bill's Pizza" a small pizza joint in Sydney, Australia. We walk in and Michael takes my hand and drags me to a corner both. I blush at the way he toke my hand and entwined our fingers together and the way people are looking at us. We sit at the booth and Michael asks me if I like pepperoni and I nod to embarrassed to talk in fear I might stutter or squeak. So he orders a medium pepperoni. As we sit there and wait for the pizza I see Michael glancing at my chest and cursed myself for wearing a see through shirt on a date with a boy. He catches me noticing where he was looking and turned red.

"Alright so I figured this was going to be awkward so to help us get to know each other I will ask you a question and you answer it then I will answer it okay?" I stare at him dumfounded as he tells me and I shake my head yes to agree.

"Okay... well... um what's your favorite color?"


"Blue for me too. Okay um favorite movie?"

"Stand by me."

"Um for me it would probably be Nemo. Favorite band of all time?"

"That's easy the Beatles."

"Well um for me it would be like green day or something." By this time I'm not as shy but on the edge of my seat to see what he's going to ask next.

"Okay what is your favorite joke?"

"Oh my gosh that's hard um Why did Sara fall off the swing?"

"I don't know why?" he said with a smile

"Cause she didn't have any arms. Knock Knock?"

"Who's there?" he said with a slight confused look on his face.

"Not Sara." I giggle and he laughs

"Wow your demonic. Well for me it would probably be something like what fruit has amnesia."

"What fruit?" I say very confused.

"A pineapple cause he's not pine at all." I can't help but giggle.

"Well I thought you would get it sense you liked that song so much." The pizza showed up and Michael said that I'll eat 2 slices and he gets the rest.

"Oh no no Clifford I'm not like other girls cause one I like pizza and two I can eat."

"I bet you won't eat half."

"Oh it's on Clifford!"

And we sit there and eat and by the time we are done I eat half a pizza. I felt like throwing up but proving Michael wrong was worth it.

"Wow well now I know not to underestimate you." I smile and I feel like I'm going to throw up so I run to the bathroom and long story short pizza taste better going down then up. I walk out of the bathroom and Michael asks if I'm okay and still up to go to the movies and I nod my head yes but unsure if I'm going to throw up again. We walk down the street to the Cinemas on the way he grabs my hand and entwines our fingers together. I get butterflies in my stomach and smile. We walk up to the movies and he says, "So what do you want to see?"

I glance up at what they are showing tonight and we had the choice between a cartoon and some action movie. So we choose the cartoon and got our tickets. We walk in to the building and Mikey gets two cherry Slurpee's with a medium popcorn.

"Michael I don't think I can eat anymore."

"Weakling" He said with a smirk and winked at me. We walked into the movie theater and took our seats.

AN: Hey you guys so i don't have a football game to go to on friday and i have no school on monday and i get out of school early on tuesday so excpect 3-4 chapters up within the next week !!!!! I'm so excited !!!!! Don't forget to vote and comment and let me know who all is reading this !!!!!

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