Miss Park

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"Hi everyone! I'm Miss Park, your new English teacher!"

This woman was clearly just starting out in her career. She didn't look a day over 20, and the bag she was carrying had a small badge on it that I assumed was from the university she attended. Although she had to be at least 22 because a teaching degree takes four years and I am guessing she didn't graduate high school at 16 years old.

"I wasn't too sure on how I wanted to start the lesson, but I think it's best that we get to know each other first. So, I'll tell you some things about me and then I'd love it if you all tell me one thing about yourselves so I can learn names and get to know you all quicker". The teacher leans back and pushes herself up onto the desk, crossing her legs and folding her arms over her chest. "My English name is Roseanne Park, but because both of my parents are Korean, my Korean name is Chaeyoung."

Roseanne and Chaeyoung... both of those names seemed perfect for her. I mean, I barely knew anything about her, but I could tell that each name seemed to have the potential to bring out new sides of her with different characteristics, but both equally pleasant.

"I grew up in Australia and moved to Korea to finish high school and get my teaching degree about 7 years ago, but I'm now back in Melbourne to teach in my hometown."

Jennie and Jisoo exchange excited glances on either side of me, and I knew they were excited because they had both moved from Korea to Australia and were fluent in Korean. They were the only two people in the school who practised Korean culture.

"I teach senior English, and if I get the chance I would like to teach music to the younger kids at the primary school next door." She tucked her hair behind her ears and gave the class a final smile. "Any questions?"

To no ones surprise and to my annoyance, Issac's hand was the first in the air to ask the hot young teacher a question. "Are you single?"

The class chuckled in unison and even Miss Park cracked a smile. "Uh that was not the question I was expecting, but yes I am. I haven't met the right person for me yet. Anymore questions?"

To everyone's surprise, Jennie's hand was the next to shoot into the air.

"Yes, umm-" Miss Park trailed off, waiting for a name so she could address my friend properly.

"Jennie" Jennie finishes the teacher's sentence before moving on to her own. "You said that you grew up in Australia but lived in Korea. Do you speak Korean fluently?"

"Yes, I do actually, I'm fluent in both English and Korean. But, I can speak a little Japanese and I'm not too bad at Thai!"

Even though I was paying close attention, my ears perked up at this response, and I could feel myself getting excited. She could speak Thai.I knew it was silly to be so excited about something so insignificant, but I hadn't met anyone in Australia who could speak Thai since I moved here. I'd taught Jennie and Jisoo a few words, and they'd taught me some Korean, but I wasn't very good at it.

Miss Park turned her attention to me when I raised my hand in excitement, causing my words to falter and my mind to slow down. When she was looking right at you, her eyes were even more beautiful. "Yes...umm?"

"L-Lisa," With her eyes on me, I was surprised I managed to choke out any words at all. "I was just curious if you've ever visited Thailand?" I was interested in learning how she had learned Thai.

She nods "Yes! I've been to Bangkok. I've only been there twice but I absolutely love it there, it's gorgeous."

"That's my hometown! I moved from there just over 3 years ago." I noticed that my voice grew louder and I had to hold myself back from getting over excited and embarrassing myself in front of probably the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life.

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