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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: After a nail biting question and answer HOH competition, Gavin is the new HOH, giving the The Perfect 10, The Unusual Pair and Three's Company the advantage this week! Before the new week can even start, Sergio looses it on Siobhan, blaming her for ruining his Big Brother Game. Travis and Sergio then get into a very heated confrontation - causing Big Brother to get involved! Sergio gets EXPELLED from the game! Gavin gets pay back and nominates Candy and Marcus for eviction! After a very close veto competition, Jameson won the power of veto and kept Gavin's nominations the same. After the fourth eviction of the season, Marcus was evicted by vote of 7-0. 

TONIGHT: Four evicted houseguests Luna, Catarina, Zoe and Marcus will fight for the chance to return to the Big Brother game! Find out who comes back to the game on this episode of Big Brother 4!

DAY 32

Hello and good evening everyone! I'm your host Bree and welcome to Big Brother 4! These past four weeks have been crazy in the Big Brother house this season!

With lots showmances blossoming, betrayals, fights, expulsions and crazy evictions! And we aren't even at jury stage yet!

But tonight, four pre-jury members will have the ultimate chance of a lifetime! They will have a chance to play and fight to get back into the Big Brother game!

Luna, Catarina, Zoe and Marcus will all play and fight for the chance to get back in the Big Brother game! The houseguests in the house were given a small clue a few nights ago about the battle back competition, but they all have no idea this is h...

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Luna, Catarina, Zoe and Marcus will all play and fight for the chance to get back in the Big Brother game! The houseguests in the house were given a small clue a few nights ago about the battle back competition, but they all have no idea this is happening!

Now, let's tell the Houseguests the news and get them ready for the Pre-Jury Battle Back Competition!

*The TV screen turns on and shows the houseguests all around the house*

Houseguests! Houseguests! Can you all please gather in the living room! Can you all please gather in the living room!


Siobhan: "Oh my gosh! What is going on right now?"

Jameson: "This is making me really nervous honestly!"

Travis: "This is crazy! Oh my gosh!"

Summer: "Hi, Bree!"

Candy: "Hey, Bree!"

Akira: "Hello, again Bree!"

Miko: "Hello!"

Mitchell: "This is kinda scaring me right now!"

You will all find out what is going on once I have everybody gathered and seated in the living room!

*All of the houseguests sit on the couches and nomination chairs*

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