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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Miko expected an unanimous vote but Summer was evicted 6-1 becoming the last pre-jury member of this season! Now, the jury stage has officially begun and the houseguests are fighting for the chance to make it to the end of the Big Brother game! After a tie breaking HOH, Zoe became the new HOH and has a plan to evict Mitchell! Zoe has nominated Mitchell and Travis for eviction! Candy, Akira, Siobhan and Zoe make a four person alliance called CASZ!

TONIGHT: Who will be the fifth houseguest to leave the Big Brother house and become the first jury member! Mitchell or Travis? Find out on this episode of Big Brother 4!

DAY 48

*In the Bathroom*

*Travis is getting dressed and ready for eviction night. Gavin and Jameson have just gotten dressed and ready*

*Gavin and Jameson they both are watching Travis get ready*

Gavin: "You look so handsome tonight, Travis!"

Jameson: "You sure do, Travis! Very very handsome!"

*Travis blushes and smiles at Gavin and Jameson*

Travis: "Aww, really? You two think I look handsome? I don't feel handsome in this outfit."

Gavin: "YES! You look so stinking handsome and this outfit looks really amazing on you, Travy."

*Gavin hugs Travis from behind and softly kisses Travis' right cheek*

Jameson: "You do look very handsome Travis. Don't let anybody tell you that you aren't. They are liars and clearly jealous of how cute you are."

*Jameson softly kisses Travis' left cheek*

*Travis smiles ear to ear at Jameson and Gavin and hugs them twice*

Travis: "I love you two so much."

Gavin: "I love my boys!"

Jameson: "I love you both as well."

*Jameson, Travis and Gavin all hug each other tightly*

*In the Palm Tree room*

*Miko and Mitchell are currently cuddling in bed together for might be the last time*

Miko: *whispers* "I am going to miss you so so much, Mitchie."

*Miko tries her best to hold it together and not cry in front of Mitchell*

Mitchell: *whispers* "You never know, Miko. The house could be voting Travis out this whole time and you are just worrying your self sick."

Miko: *whispers* "Mitchie, I'm not stupid. I know this game very well. They want you gone for some dumb reason. They want a couple out."

Mitchell: *whispers* "Taking out a trio member makes more logical sense though."

Miko: *whispers* "They will probably go after him very soon. Maybe the next week or two."

*Mitchell then frowns at Miko*

*Mitchell then softy kisses Miko*

Mitchell: *whispers* "I hope you win this whole game and make them all mad and pissed off in the end."

Miko: *whispers* "I hope I win this game too. I wanted us to win all of the couple prizes with you."

Mitchell: *whispers* "It's okay. We won the first couple prize! That's better then nothing."

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