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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Sergio was expelled from the Big Brother game after an almost violent confrontation with Siobhan and Travis. Marcus was the fifth houseguest evicted from the Big Brother game by a landslide vote of 7-0. The four pre-jury houseguests - Luna, Catarina, Zoe and Marcus all fought for the second chance to come back and play the Big Brother game! After two rounds of crazy competition, Zoe won the pre-jury battle back competition and is now back into the Big Brother game! Miko nominates Jameson and Akira for eviction and she told both of them that they are pawns!

TONIGHT: Who will win the power of veto? And will it be used to save either Jameson or Akira from eviction? All this and more on Big Brother 4!

DAY 36

*In the HOH room*

*Miko, Gavin and Travis are all sitting in the HOH bed*

Travis: *whispers* "So what is the plan this week?"

Miko: *whispers* "Jameson came up with the plan this week. The plan is, Jameson and Akira are on the block, both as pawns this week. One of us wins the veto and takes Jameson off of the block. Summer is then placed as the replacement nominee and gets backdoored."

Gavin: *whispers* "Finally, get that hoe out."

*Travis giggles*

Miko: *whispers* "We can't have Summer, Candy or Akira find out about this backdoor plan. We need to be hush hush."

Gavin: *whispers* "Mhm. Totally."

Travis: *whispers* "I won't say anything."

DR: Gavin: "I will be holding my damn breath until the veto meeting is over! I just need Jameson save this week and not screwed over. If he gets screwed over all hell is going to be loose!"

*By the Pool*

*Summer, Candy, Siobhan and Zoe are in the pool together playing volleyball*

*By the Hammock*

*Mitchell and Akira are sitting on each end of the hammock*

Akira: *whispers* "I really need to win this veto competition tomorrow afternoon."

Mitchell: *whispers* "I know. But I wouldn't worry about it too much."

Akira: *whispers* "When I get off of the block, I wonder who Miko will put up as a replacement?"

*Mitchell shrugs his shoulders*

Mitchell: *whispers* "She hasn't really talked about it. She doesn't plan too far in ahead because this game is wild."

Akira: *whispers* "Mhm. That makes a lot of sense."

Mitchell: *whispers* "Yeah, this game is freaking crazy man."

Akira: *whispers* "Totally. But it's worth it to win the money."

Mitchell: *whispers* "I agree. It is totally worth the money."

DAY 37


*Miko runs out of the diary room with the box of chips*

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