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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Miko expected an unanimous vote but Summer was evicted 6-1 becoming the last pre-jury member of this season! Now, the jury stage has officially begun and the houseguests are fighting for the chance to make it to the end of the Big Brother game! After a tie breaking HOH, Zoe became the new HOH and has a plan to evict Mitchell! Zoe has nominated Mitchell and Travis for eviction!

TONIGHT: Who will win the power of veto? And will it be used to save either Travis or Mitchell from eviction? All this and more on Big Brother 4!

DAY 44

*In the Lounge*

*Gavin, Jameson, Travis, Miko and Mitchell are all sitting together*

*Miko is sitting on Mitchell's lap*

*Gavin is sitting in between Jameson and Travis*

Miko: *whispers* "I hope all of us can somehow play in the veto competition tomorrow. We need to."

Gavin: *whispers* "Yeah, definitely. This situation is just bad all around honestly."

Miko: *whispers* "It is, I really hate it."

Mitchell: *whispers* "I really don't want Siobhan candy or Akira playing. They wouldn't help us at all."

Jameson: *whispers* "But I am afraid if we all play in the veto competition and then save either Mitchell or Travis, one of us will go on the block."

Miko: *whispers* "That's true, Jameson."

DR: Miko: "If we win the veto, we are screwed. If we don't win, we are screwed. This situation sucks either way for the perfect ten alliance and I hate not having a good solution to help everyone involved. I want Mitchell saves this week, but Gavin and Jameson want Travis saved. This week could make or break our alliance."

*In the HOH room*

*Zoe, Siobhan, Candy and Akira are all sitting on the HOH bed*

Candy: *whispers* "So what's the plan this week?"

Zoe: *whispers* "Evict Mitchell. I don't trust him one bit and he wanted me and Siobhan on the block really bad last week. So he's gotta go this week."

Akira: *whispers* "What is Mitchell saves himself with the veto?"

Zoe: *whispers* "Then we would evict Miko. I would put her up in his place."

Siobhan: *whispers* "But if Miko wins the veto and saves Mitchell, we can't put her up as a replacement. So we would put up either Gavin or Jameson and then evict one of them this week."

Candy: *whispers* "Sounds like a good plan either way!"

Akira: *whispers* "I agree, this does sound like a great plan."

Siobhan: *whispers* "I like this group we got here."

DR: Siobhan: "I really like talking with Akira and Candy. They seem very genuine and very kind. I wish I would have started working with them sooner!"

Candy: *whispers* "We should make an alliance. Just the four of us."

Zoe: *whispers* "Definitely! Any name suggestions?"

*Siobhan laughs*

Siobhan: *whispers* "I really suck at names honestly.

Akira: *whispers* "Let's do our initials. CASZ."

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