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*Here is the 2nd episode of after dark this season! Enjoy!*

This show will be the times of 9pm - 12am! :)

DAY 15

- 9pm -
*In the HOH room*

*Gavin, Siobhan, Sergio, Jameson, Travis and Zoe are in the HOH room*

*Siobhan, Sergio and Zoe are sitting on the HOH bed while Gavin, Jameson and Travis are sitting on the futon together*

Siobhan: *whispers* "Okay guys, we are all here to talk about who to evict this week. Let's start with pros on evicting Summer."

Travis: *whispers* "She overly flirts with anybody and everybody."

Zoe: *whispers* "She floats her way by flirting with men. She does it all of the time."

Gavin: *whispers* "She is a damn drama queen! So full of drama and full of lies!"

Siobhan: *whispers* "Okay, now let's do pros on evicting Catarina."

Sergio: *whispers* "She is a floater too. A bigger floater then Summer is."

Jameson: *whispers* "She runs her mouth too much."

Gavin: *whispers* "She doesn't know when to shut up and that's a problem, especially on this game."

Zoe: *whispers* "We should get Summer out because isn't she the bigger threat?"

Jameson: *whispers* "I don't think Summer is. Summer sucks at playing comps so we can easily get her evicted again."

Zoe: *whispers* "That's true. I didn't think of that."

Sergio: *whispers* "Who would you like to be evicted this week, Siobhan?"

*Sergio rubs Siobhan's shoulders*

Siobhan: *whispers* "Even though I really really really don't like Summer as a person and her flirty ways with men, I would want Catarina to get evicted this week. She is a major floater and to be honest I don't think she deserves to be in this game. Like all of us need the money for a reason and I feel like she doesn't want to fight for it."

Sergio: *whispers* "Bye bye, Catarina!"

*Sergio giggles and Siobhan also giggles*

Gavin: *whispers* "Well, we will all evict Catarina tomorrow, Siobhan."

Zoe: *whispers* "Works for me!"

Travis: *whispers* "Works for me too!"

Jameson: *whispers* "Sounds good to me as well."

Siobhan: *whispers* "Perfect! Well, I will see you guys tomorrow!"

Gavin: *whispers* "See you guys later!"

Zoe: *whispers* "See you later, Siobhan!"

Siobhan: *whispers* "Bye guys!"

*Gavin, Jameson, Travis and Zoe all leave the HOH room*

*Sergio smiles at Siobhan and kisses her softly*

Sergio: *whispers* "I love you so much."

Siobhan: *whispers* "I love you too."

*Sergio and Siobhan cuddle in bed*

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