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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: After another question and answer HOH, Candy became the new HOH! Candy already made her targets known with her CASZ alliance! Candy nominated two members of the trio, Travis and Jameson and she is determined to end their reign! Akira won the power of veto and in a shocking twist does not use it, causing Candy to explode! Travis was evicted (5-0) and becoming the second jury member this season! Then the houseguests played a week of Big Brother in one became it was double eviction night! Gavin won HOH and nominated Candy and Akira for eviction! At the veto competition, Gavin dominated and won the power of veto and he kept his nominees the same. Akira was evicted (3-1) and became the third jury member! We are now down to the final six and they fought for HOH power! Jameson won the HOH competition and has a showmance in mind to target! Jameson nominates Siobhan and Zoe for eviction, wanting to finally end the very close girl showmance! Gavin has won the power of veto and kept Jameson's nominations the same!

TONIGHT: Who will be the ninth houseguest to leave the Big Brother house and become the fourth jury member! Zoe or Siobhan? Find out on this episode of Big Brother 4!

DAY 63

*In the HOH room*

*Gavin, Jameson and Miko are all sitting on the HOH bed and they are all eating Jameson's HOH snacks*

*Miko is eating Oreos, Gavin is eating salt and vinegar chips and Jameson is eating M&Ms*

*Gavin softly kisses Jameson twice and Jameson smiles at Gavin*

Miko: "You guys are couple goals!"

*Gavin and Jameson both blush and smile at Miko*

Gavin: "Thanks, girly!"

Jameson: "Aw, thank you Miko!"

Miko: *whispers* "So, who are we evicting tomorrow? I don't wanna evict the wrong person!"

*Gavin and Jameson both giggle*

Jameson: *whispers* "Either one! But I think Zoe should go tomorrow."

Gavin: "I agree! Zoe is a bigger target then Siobhan is."

Miko: "Me and you Gav vote the same then Zoe goes home! Candy's vote doesn't really matter honestly."

Jameson: "That's right I forgot only three people vote this week!" This game is getting crazy! We are the final six!"

Gavin: "I can't believe we made it this far!"

Miko: "Me too! But we got this! Final three right here!"

Jameson: "Yes!"

Gavin: "YAS!"

*In the Lounge*

*Siobhan, Zoe and Candy drink wine coolers and hang out for one of the last times*

DAY 64


IT IS TIME FOR THE LIVE EVICTION! Houseguests, in just a few minutes we will begin the live eviction. Zoe and Siobhan, you will each have one more chance to persuade your houseguests to keep you in the house. Zoe, you can go first.

Zoe: "Hey everyone! I just wanna say that I played an amazing Big Brother game! I was evicted early and won my way back into this game and made it to the final six! I am pretty proud of myself. I would love to stay another week but that choice is not in my hands. Also, I wanna say that I will be a fair juror and not bitter, so whoever makes it to final two I will bs as fair as I can be. And one of the best things about this crazy and long game was that I met Siobhan and that she is now mine! I love you Siobhan and thank you for being my friends for these past sixty for days!"

Thank you, Zoe! Siobhan, it is your turn.

Siobhan: "Hey everyone! I don't wanna stand up here and campaign against Zoe. I wanna say thank you to Big Brother for this opportunity! Thank you to my family for supporting me no matter what! And I also wanna say thank you to all of you! Meeting all of you has made this game so much fun! And I wanna say I love you Zoe. Thank you for changing my life for the better! You have made me a better person!Thank you!"

Thank you, Siobhan! Okay houseguests, one by one you will go in the diary room and vote. The nominees and HOH cannot vote.

Gavin votes to evict ZOE
Miko votes to evict ZOE
Candy votes to evict SIOBHAN

It is official, with a 2-1 vote, Zoe will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Let's tell the houseguests!

Houseguests! When I reveal the name of the evicted houseguest they will have a few minutes to say goodbye.

By a vote of 2-1, Zoe, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

*Zoe hugs Siobhan tightly and kisses her*

*Zoe then hugs everyone and leaves the Big Brother house*

*Zoe then hugs everyone and leaves the Big Brother house*

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Jameson: "Hey, Zoe! You played a hella of a good Big Brother game! You got evicted and then you cane back in the game and made it to the final six! That's a huge accomplishment to me! I really hope you don't take this week personally and know it was just a game move I  had to do! I had to do what's best for my game. I'll see you on finale night and I hope we can remain friends!"

Miko: "Hey, Zoe! You played a GREAT Big Brother game and you should be really proud of yourself! Have fun at the jury house and I'll see you soon!"

Siobhan: "Hi, beautiful girl. I miss you so much, babe! I'll see you in about two weeks and I hope that I am the winner of this game for the both of us!"


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