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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Zoe's wish came true and Mitchell became the first Big Brother juror of the season after being evicted (5-1). After another question and answer HOH, Candy became the new HOH! Candy already made her targets known with her CASZ alliance! Candy nominated two members of the trio, Travis and Jameson and she is determined to end their reign!

TONIGHT: Who will win the power of veto? And will it be used to save either Travis or Jameson from eviction? All this and more on Big Brother 4!

DAY 52

*In the Kitchen*

*Candy is making something to eat and Gavin walks into the kitchen*

*Gavin sighs with attitude*

Candy: "Don't be pissed off and have an attitude because I put your boyfriends on the block."

Gavin: "Candy, that's funny because you acted wild and crazy after Marcus went home. And well, who evicted your man? Who was the HOH, sis? Oh, right! IT WAS ME! I evicted YOUR man after HIS HOH reign!"

*Candy rolls her eyes at Gavin*

Gavin: "And Marcus got Zoe evicted and guess who's back in the game! Zoe! So I'm confused why Zoe is even working with you! You sent her home!"

Candy: "She knows my true character unlike yours."

Gavin: "Well, it is not my fault her social game freaking sucks and she didn't wanna talk with us. That's her game flaw."

Candy: "Running your mouth is your game flaw, Gavin."

Gavin: "Yeah, and you being a floater is yours, sis! You think you are making big moves but you really aren't. Because if Jameson or Travis goes home, they aren't voting for you to win boo! Just saying."

Candy: "I don't need your votes if I make it to final two."  

Candy: "My alliance and I made this decision to nominate Jameson and Travis this week."

Gavin: "Wow, putting your alliance members under the bus! You know, you picked losers as alliance members while I picked winners. Where is your alliances members? Let's look at the memory wall, oh! They are gone!"

Candy: "I gained two of your alliance members actually. So you are loosing boo."

Gavin: "Well, they weren't loyal honestly and you are going to loose them because they play both sides. Candy, I hope I am picked to play in the veto because I am going to win it and ruin your plans. How do you like them apples, sis? Your messing with the wrong trio.

Candy: "Okay, Gavin."

*Candy giggles as Gavin walks away*

DR: Candy: "Gavin I just digging his grave for his game because if myself of anybody in my alliance wins the veto, we might just save Jameson or Travis and put Gavin up this week!

*In the Lounge*

*Travis, Miko and Jameson are all sitting together*

Miko: *whispers* "I wish Gavin would just stop talking sometimes. He is making this worse for all of us."

Jameson: *whispers* "Gavin is too damn stubborn. He doesn't know when to stop and that's a flaw he has."

BIG BROTHER 4 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon