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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: 14 new houseguests begin the battle for half a million dollars! Two seven person alliances have already formed! The Lucky Seven alliance - Gavin, Siobhan, Sergio, Jameson, Travis, Zoe and Luna! And the Siete alliance - Catarina, Candy, Miko, Mitchell, Summer, Marcus and Akira! After a long and strainious Head Of Household competition, Miko became the first HOH of the summer! Miko asked all of the houseguests one by one to see who they want on the block this week!

TONIGHT: Who will Miko nominate for eviction? Plus, a fight breaks out! All this and more on Big Brother 4!


*In the HOH room*

*Mitchell and Miko are cuddling*

Miko: *whispers* "I wish we can cuddle all the time, but we can't. We can't look like a couple, you know?"

Mitchell: *whispers* "Yeah. But we can always act like we are getting to know each other and act like we are in a showmance."

Miko: *whispers* "If we are a showmance then we will be targeted. Showmances always get targeted, Mitchie."

Mitchell:*whispers* "You are so smart, babe. You are going to make it so far in this game and win it."

Miko: *whispers* "We are both going to make it far. I'm bringing you along for the ride so hold on."

*Mitchell giggles*

*Mitchell and Miko kiss each other softly*

DR: Mitchell: "I'm going to lay low this week and not act like I'm up Miko's butt. I don't want anybody to be suspicious of Miko and I."

*In the Pantry*

*Sergio and Siobhan kiss softly*

Sergio: *whispers* "I love you."

Siobhan: *whispers* "I love you too!"

*Sergio smiles and rubs Siobhan's shoulders*

Sergio: *whispers* "This game is going to get freaking crazy once nominations happen tomorrow."

Siobhan: *whispers* "I know. I just hope Miko doesn't put both of us on the block. That will really ruin our chances for receiving the couple prize after four weeks."

Sergio: *whispers* "I don't think we are on her radar at all. I wouldn't worry about it, babe."

Siobhan: *whispers* "You always have to worry in this game to be honest."

DR: Siobhan: "I'm really hoping Sergio and I do not go up on the block this week. We need to both stay safe for the first four weeks to win the secret couple prize!"

*In the Lounge*

DR: Gavin: "Literally, Jameson and Travis are the cutest men ever! Oh my gosh! I would literally date both of them!"

Gavin: *whispers* "I'm so freaking nervous about nominations tomorrow, oh my gosh."

Travis: *whispers* "Why are you so nervous, Gav?"

*Travis laughs*

Gavin: *whispers* "Because, I think Miko will definitely listen to both Candy and Catarina. I think they have an alliance or something. And I'm sure other houseguests told her to nominate me too."

Jameson: *whispers* "She will probably nominate a boy and a girl for eviction this week. That's what it sounds like to me and to make it fair too. Watch her nominate me since I was the last person to get eliminated from the HOH competition."

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