Chapter 25: Got Caught

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King Julien walks to the circus tent along with Mariah, Adtiana, Katie, and Brandon.

"Sonya, where are you? Sonya! Excuse me." King Julien said drowsily and got hit by a box.

King Julien found that Sonya was next to the penguins as she roared loudly. King Julian runs up to Sonya as the circus animals look.

"Sonya, baby! l don't want to be king anymore! l was so hung up on who l was... Who you was... What you smelled like... When all that really matters is what we smell like together." King Julien explained to Sonya.

Vitaly, Gia, and Stefano looked down in depressed.

"l know! Baby, forgive me." King Julien said.

Sonya puts King Julian's head in her mouth. Mariah, Katie, and Brandon come in the tent and breathe rapidly from the running as Mariah is still holding Adriana.

"Mariah?" Vitaly asked.

"Katie?" Stefano asked.

"Brandon?" Gia asked.

"What are you three doing here?" Skipper asked.

"Guys. We've got a problem!" Brandon shouted as he pointed to King Julien.

The penguins looked at the dart on King Julian's tail and took it out.

"Gasp! lt's Dubois!" Kowalski shouted.

"Baba booey!" Skipper shouted in fear.

Skipper gets King Julien's head out of Sonya's head.

"Where did you get this?" Skipper asked.

"l got it from the zoo." King Julien answered.

"The hippies got ambushed!" Skipper shouted.

"Our friends finally got caught by DuBois." Mariah said.

"What? We have to help them!" Gia said.

"But they lied to us!" One of the horses said.

"Yeah. Why should we lift a paw?" One of the puppies asked.

"They are our friends!" Mariah shouted.

"They are in danger." Katie said.

"They're not even circus!" The same puppy said.

"That's Bolshevik!" Vitaly shouted, and the puppies winced.

"We have to make a plan." Mariah said.

"l never thought l'd say this on American soil, but the Russki's right!" Skipper said.

Alex wakes up and sees a light pole with iron fence gates, and there are a lot of voices heard, chanting "Alex." Alex looks around, confused to know see what's happening.

"Oh, no." Alex said.

"Alex? Where are you?" Marty asked.

Marty, Melman, and Gloria wake up and see the iron wires around their separate areas.

"Gloria! Are you okay?" Melman asked Gloria as she got out of the pool.

"What is happening?" Gloria asked.

"Where's Mariah? Katie, Brandon, and Adriana?" Alex asked.

"Alex!" Marty shouted.

"No, no! No, no!" Alex shouted as he climbed up to a rock stand.

"Alex, the lion!" A man's voice shouted in the microphone.

When he got on top, there were a lot of people cheering while holding up Alex foam fingers as the fireworks lights up. Alex wasn't happy to see him. He turned around to see the others sad that they were finally home in the zoo. They were worried about what had happened to Mariah, Katie, and Brandon.

A man gets on the stage to talk to the people for the announcement.

"Thank you. Thank you all for coming to this special celebration. And now, the woman who made this all possible, who brought Alex the lion and a couple of... three? Three other animals of the six animals with Alex the Lion are back to New York. Well, she didn't find the other three animals from the dance stage area, but OUR Alex is what we care about. And she's a woman who is French. Please welcome Chantal Dubois!" A man said to the microphone.

Captain DuBois gets on the stage and looks at Alex with an evil smirk. Alex and the others were shocked to know that the people think that Captain DuBois bring them home. The man gives the big sized paycheck of $1,000,000 on it for the reward to Captain DuBois, and people cheered happily. Captain Dubois ripped the paycheck in half, and the people gasped in shock. Captain DuBois looks down to slowly open a black suitcase that she brought. That it has one dart in it.

"Alex?" Marty asked.

The dart has a death symbol on it that Captain DuBois is gonna kill Alex with it. She puts the dart in her gun and hides the gun inside of the Alex foam finger. Captain Dubois touches the microphone to make an announcement.

"lt was never about the money. lt was about... The lion." Captain DuBois said in the microphone.

The people cheered, and Captain Dubois raises the foam finger, pointing to Alex with it as Alex raises both of his paws up in the air to surrender. Captain DuBois shots the gun, and the dart was about to get Alex, but there was a ribbon wrapped one of Alex's arms to take him as Alex screams. The death dart missed the target on Alex instead that it hit the light pole instead. Alex looked up to see Mariah was the one with the ribbon, and Brandon was on a trapeze while holding Mariah. Captain DuBois was surprised that the circus animals were here to help the gang.

"Mariah? Brandon?" Alex asked.

"We came here to help you." Mariah said.

"Circus stick together." Brandon said.

Alex smiled that Mariah, Adriana, Katie, and Brandon were safe. They see a big air balloon with a circus tent and a lot of colorful lights that the circus animals were on it. The music "Afro Circus" was playing.

Da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, circus
Da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, Afro
Circus Afro, Circus Afro
Polka dot, polka dot!

"Look! A flying circus!" A kid shouted happily.

"No!" Captain DuBois shouted angrily.

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