Chapter 16: Alex's Plan to Everyone

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Alex, Mariah, and Katie were back to the gang that Alex told his plan for the circus. As he was talking about his plan, he also talked about it The the rest of the circus animals.

"l call it Phase 4-7B, wherein, in order to get home, we will come up with something fresh, something amazing, something brand-new! Fresh, never before seen! Off the chain! Something that'll blow that circus promoter away!" Alex explained his plan.

Vitaly throws his knives around Alex.

"l missed." Vitaly said madly.

The other circus animals disagreed and said bad things to Alex.

"Circus has been the same for generations! We make good, classic family entertainment." Vitaly said.

"But last few generations, families... Not so entertained." Stefano said.

The other circus animals looked at Stefano, and Stefano cleared his throat.

"That's right. Families are not so entertained because you're just going through the motions out there. lt's missing passion." Alex explained.

"How one to have passion for stool poked in face?" Vitaly asked.

"Exactly! And by stool, you mean chair, right?" Marty asked.

Vitaly stayed silent and didn't answer the question.

"The fact is, you guys, you got stuck in a rut. You stopped pushing, and you stopped taking risks. But those days are over. Because now we're going to completely change the show." Alex explained.

"Then it wouldn't be a circus, would it?" The puppy in the blue dress asked.

"Circus is not about the acts you do. Circus is in here." Alex said as points to the puppy's chest, like he means in the heart.

"How come Freddie gets all the circus?" The puppy in a black and yellow suit outfit asked.

The puppy on the blue dress got mad and punched him in the face.

"Circus is about following your passions, wherever they take you!" Alex said.

"You can not change circus. There is a long tradition!" Vitaly said.

"That's what everybody thought, Vitaly, until those French Canadians came along, drunk off their maple syrup and cheap pharmaceuticals, and completely flipped the paradigm." Alex explained.

"Now, they play Vegas. Fifty shows a day in 52 separate venues." Mariah said.

"And one of them completely in the nude." Marty said.

"Yeah, that's right. And you know how they did it?" Alex asked

"Take off their clothes?" Stefano asked.

Alex stayed silent, and he others were confused.

"No. They got rid of the animals." Alex replied.

The circus animals were speechless.

"Say it ain't so!" Marty said.

Sonya growls loudly.

"How could they?!" Stefano asked.

"Well, you know what l say to that! l say they can take the animals out of the circus, but they can not take the animals out of the circus! l mean, they cannot... l think you understand what l'm saying!" Alex said.

The circus animals said together in agreement.

"No!" King Julien said.

"We don't need humans because we've got passion. What does a human say when he's passionate? He says, 'l'm an animal!' Well, we are animals!" Alex explained.

The circus animals agreed again, and Sonya growls even louder.

"We'll make an all-animal circus! Because if we follow our passion, we can go anywhere."

"Anywhere!" Marty shouted.

"We can do anything!" Mariah shouted.

"Anything!" Marty shouted

"lf we do it together!" Alex shouted.

"All of us!" Mariah shouted.

The circus animals agreed and cheered except Vitaly.

"We're in! We'll have some of that!" The puppy in a blue dress said happily.

"Can l hear you say 'fur power'?" Marty asked.

"Fur power!" Gia shouted.

"Take our circus back, and we'll do it together!" Alex shouted.

The circus animals chanted and started to walk away.

"You and me, baby! What?! An act together!" Gloria shouted happily.

"l love it!" Melman said.

"We can do that funk and groove dance thing!" Gloria said.

"Dance?" Melman asked.

"This thing right here. Look." Gloria said.

Gloria started to dance and move around.

"Me and you! We got this!" Gloria shouted.

"But l can't dance." Melman said quietly.

As the other circus animals leave, vitaly was standing in silence with Gia and Stefano.

"l do not trust this lion." Vitaly said angrily.

"Vitaly, l may not trust him, either, but l am tired of sitting and standing and rolling over." Gia said.

"But my friends and I would never betray and lie to you guys." Brandon said.

"It is a great tradition of sitting, standing, rolling over." Vitaly said.

"You know our circus is in trouble. This could be our last chance.But we will not do this without you." Gia explained.

Stefano shows up behind Gia.

"Circus always stay together." Stefano said.

Vitaly remains silent and sighs.

"Okay. l do one hoop." Vitaly said.

Gia got happy and hugged Vitaly.

"l want a hug, too!" Stefano said.

Vitaly smiles and hugs both of them back.

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