Chapter 14: Sneaking Out

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At the train, the gang was depressed after what happened to the bad circus show in Rome. Alex was at the window with Mariah and Katie while the others were at the other side of the crate. Adriana was on the back carrier with Mariah.

"This is a disaster!" Alex said.

"We blow all our money on a bad circus,
and we're not any closer to New York!" Mariah said.

"lf anything, we're further away!" Melman said.

"We could have at least bought a circus that knew how to circ!" Marty said.

The penguins come out of a box.

"l don't even know why we bought a circus in the first place. We had enough dough for a plane!" Skipper said.

"Are you kidding me?" Brandon asked.

"You must have some money left over." Gloria said.

"l used it to buy teeth and then have them capped in gold. Now l can eat apples!" Skipper said and has a dentures of gold teeth and puts it on.

"Sadly, l discovered l don't like apples." Skipper said.

"No promoter is sending this show to America. lt's toe up!" Brandon said.

"Now it all makes sense. No wonder the circus master was so happy to sell." Gloria said.

"He was happy, all right. I'm happy about ripping us off!" Marty said.

Alex, Mariah, and Katie looked at the window to see Stefano, he sign languages to them to come out on top of the train and leaves. Alex opened the door slightly, and all three of them flew out by the wind, and they screamed. Marty, Brandon, Melman, and Gloria looked over and saw that they weren't there, just a paper flowing in air.

"Where did Alex, Mariah, and Katie go?" Brandon asked.

"l don't know." Marty said.

Alex screams as he is hanging on the door of the crate and gets on the ladder to get on top of the train. He sees Mariah and Katie, who were few feet away to get to Stefano. Mariah was carrying protectively Adriana.

"Come on! This way!" Stefano shouted.

"Hurry!" Katie shouted.

All three of them keep on running and jumping to pass the empty spaces between the crates for the train.

"No, no, no. You guys come this way!" Alex shouted.

"Alice, watch your head!" Stefano shouted.

"Behind you!" Mariah shouted.

Alex turned around, and the train was getting in a tunnel. He runs as fast as he can and when he got close enough to the top part of the tunnel, he runs on the wall and jumps to makes a big leap, it surprised Stefano, Mariah, and Katie. Alex jumps into an empty space of the train between the crates.

"Alice!" Stefano shouted.

Stefano, Mariah, and Katie get down to the back side of the train part and open to the door to run to the other side. When they got there, they looked down to see Alex but he wasn't there.

"Alice!" Stefano shouted.

Mariah gasps, and Katie is silent.

"l'm fine!" Alex shouted.

They look up and see Alex hanging himself up part of the empty space. They all sigh in relief that Alex is alright.

"Fantastic! Was that trapeze, americano?" Stefano Alex.

"Yeah. Sort of." Alex replied.

"lncredible!" Stefano shouted.

Alex takes his claws off the sides of the train.

"l hope this is important." Alex said.

"Come this way, Alice!" Stefano shouted.

Stefano, Mariah, and Katie get in as Alex jumps to get inside, too.

"By the way, it's 'icks' not 'iss.' Alex. Like New York Knicks." Alex said.

"l know. New York Kniss. It's not hard." Stefano said.

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