Chapter 19: Melman and Gloria Dance

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The puppies were fighting to each other angrily as one of them was punching the other while they all were shouting and having weapons in their paws. Alex and Mariah walk up to them with Adriana

"Hey, hey, put your weapons down. Guys, chill out. Cute and cuddly's obviously not your thing." Alex said to the puppies as they stopped the fight.

"He's got us pegged." The puppy in the blue dress said.

"l got a better idea. Show 'em, Rico." Alex said.

Rico was with the puppy with the black and yellow suit that the puppy had rocket skates. Rico starts the rocket, and the puppy screams to fly into a crate of the train.

"That was great!" The puppy shouted happily.

The puppy screams, and the rocket flies high and far to the sky from the other side, and the other puppies are surprised.

"l want to try that!" One of the puppies shouted.

The puppies run fast in the direction.

"So, Mariah. What performance are you gonna do for the show?" Alex asked Mariah.

"I like to do a ribbon dance. Katie and I are gonna do it's. What about you?" Mariah asked.

"I don't know. I might think of something." Alex replied.

"Why don't you partner with me and Katie? Since Brandon dances with us, why not you? I'm sure that Katie doesn't mind for that either." Mariah said.

"Yeah, I guess I'll do that since I do dance." Alex said.

"But what about Adriana? Is she gonna be in the part of the show?" Mariah asked.

"She can join our dance group until she gets older." Alex answered.

Adriana crawls over to Alex and Mariah, and Alex picks her up.

"You are gonna dance with Mom and Dad for the show, Adriana." Alex said to Adriana.

Brandon sees Alex and Mariah from far until he spotted Gia that she was behind him. Brandon turns around to see her.

"Hey. Hi." Brandon said.

"l admire how you and your friends have inspired these animals." Gia said.

"Thanks." Brandon said.

"And what your lion friend said about passion, it was like poetry." Gia said.

"Yeah. Since he's the leader. He always comes up with ideas for everyone." Brandon said.

"Trapeze is my passion!" Gia said.

"Nice. l look forward to seeing you up there for the show." Brandon said.

"You can teach me!" Gia said.

"What?" Brandon asked.

"Teach me." Gia replied.

"Really?" Brandon asked.

"Well, l've always been kind of a solo act. So that kind of rules that out. l wonder if you actually do trapeze." Gia said.

"Oh, l actually really do trapeze. It's true." Brandon said.

"Show me!" Gia said.

"Teach to show you? What are we, five?" Brandon asked.

"l am five, yes." Gia answered.

"Okay. Let's get started." Brandon said.

Melman was climbing a ladder while Gloria was dancing with loud music.

"Dancing. All you're doing is moving and not getting anywhere. l mean, the music totally throws off my timing. Do you want excitement?" Melman asked himself while climbing.

Melman reaches to the top and gets on the tie rope to walk on.

"Check it out. Who's on a tightrope, huh?Who's on a..." Melman said to him as he looked down.

Once Melman looks down, he screams in fear.

"l'm on a tightrope! l'm on a tightrope!" Melman shouted.

Gloria heard and turned around to see Melman on the tie rope.

"Melman! Oh, my gosh!" Gloria shouted.

"Help me!" Melman shouted as he wobbled on the rope.

"Baby, hold on. Hold on. I'm coming right now!" Gloria shouted and climbed on the ladder.

Melman keeps on screaming as he wobbles on the rope and looks down until he falls, but his foot hangs on.

"Melman?!" Gloria asked.

Melman screams, and his neck goes around and around the rope as he swings.

"Calm down, Melman." Gloria said and got on the rope.

"l'm going to fall and break all of my neck!" Melman shouted and gets on the tie rope again.

"Just look at me. Look at me. All eyes on me." Gloria said.

Melman stands still as he calms down and moves his head closer to look at Gloria.

"Okay." Melman said.

"Come to me." Gloria said as she reached out her hand to Melman.

"l can't." Melman said.

"lt's just like dancing, Melman. Two steps forward, one step back." Gloria said as she demonstrated the steps.

"l can't dance. Okay? There, l said it." Melman said.

"Maybe because you've never tried." Gloria said.

"No, l have tried. l practiced in private because you dance so well." Melman said.

"You practiced? For me?" Gloria asked.

"Yes, but it's no use. l never know what to do with my arms." Melman said.

Melman moves his arms like he was losing balance, but Gloria hold them.

"Hold it. That part is so easy, Melman. Okay? Cause all you have to do is put them around your partner." Gloria said.

Gloria put his arms around her, and they started to do the dance steps on the tie rope.

"See? Two steps forward. One step back." Gloria said.

"l'm dancing. l'm dancing!" Melman said happily.

"Two steps forward..." Gloria said.

"We're dancing on a tie rope!" Melman shouted.

"You're great." Gloria said.

"l'm dancing!" Melman shouted.

As they were dancing on the tie rope, the cannon booms, and Stefano was screaming in happy as he was flying.

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