Chapter 6: Plane Crashes Again

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At the plane, Alex sings a song about New York with Marty, Gloria, and Melman while Mariah, Katie, and Brandon are dancing to the song.

"New York, New York, it's a heck of a town, the Bronx is up, but the Battery's down, New York, New York." Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman sing the song together:

"Kowalski, status report." Skipper said to Kowalski.

"So the good news is.. The song is almost over." Kowalski said.

"Well, that's music to my ears. And the bad news?" Skipper asked.

"The gear assembly is badly damaged, sir." Kowalski said.

A piece falls off and flies to Kowalski but missed, hits Rico while steering the wheel, the top part of the plane, and hits both Alex and Mariah at the head to knock them consciously.

"lt's only a matter of time before..." Kowalski said but interrupted when the plane crash lands to fall again.

The others scream and grab on the plane to hold on, Katie grabbing Adriana safely, both Alex and Mariah were knocked out cold until the plane finally crashed.

"Why can't we ever just make a normal landing?" Brandon asked.

Alex sits up as he is wake from the hit.

"Oh, man." Alex said.

Alex looked at Mariah and crawled toward her.

"Mariah, are you okay?" Alex asked.

"Yes, I don't know what just happened." Mariah replied, and she sits up.

"Where's Adriana?" Alex asked.

Alex and Mariah looked around to see Adriana crying as Katie was holding onto her.

"Katie. Give her to us." Mariah said.

Katie gives the back to Mariah.

"Is she alright?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. She just got scared from the plane crash." Katie answered.

"Shh, shh. It's okay, Adriana." Mariah cooed Adriana, trying to calm her down.

Gloria gets up to see Melman stuck in a pipe.

"Hold on, Melman. Okay? l'll get you down, sweetie." Gloria said to Melman.

Mort has a turning shape pipe that his body was stuck in it.

"Where is he? Must find King Julien. King Julian!" Mort said as he saw King Julien but fell down.

King Julien was on a wire of the utility pole as electric shocks were behind him.

"lt's getting hot in here, so take off all your fur, l am getting so hot, l want to take my fur off." King Julien sings as he walks wobbly.

"Skipper, what about the plane?" Alex asked.

"We'll, the chimps will work through the night. No breaks, no safety restrictions." Skipper said.

Skipper sees that the other chimpanzees run off.

"Hey, where are you going? Get back here! We have a contract!" Skipper shouted.

The two monkeys were on top of the flying part of the plane.

"Yes. Well, l'm afraid labor laws are slightly more lenient in France. You see, they only have to work two weeks a year." Mason said.

"Well, someone else has the Canadian work ethic!" Skipper said.

"But you penguins, you can still fix it, right? Right?" Katie asked.

"Yeah, yeah. You're a little crackerjack, can-do team." Alex said.

"You want me to give it to you straight?" Skipper asked.

"Yes! Yes! No. Bend it a little?" Alex asked.

"Well, the plane's totaled. Kaput, blammo, busted! Never to fly again." Skipper answered.

"So, that's it? That's it then, we're never gonna get home?" Mariah asked.

"No! We've got to get home! We can fix it! We'll fix it! Yeah, guys, come on, we'll fix it! You just start from the outside pieces, and you work your way in. And, yeah, perfect! Come on! Don't just stand there, guys. Marty! Drag that thingy over here. And we'll just attach it to this dealy-bob over here. And..." Alex explained, but the others stood for nothing.

The big parts of the plane fell off from behind Alex.

"We're not going home. We're never going home." Alex said desperately.

The gang all felt devastated.

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