Where do we go form here

Start from the beginning

After I walked away from Kelly I start thinking of Otis comment more now and I don't know what I should do so I decide to see where Brett and foster are and see if they can give me some girl advice. I found them out by their ambo so I spoke up 

S= hey
SB= hey i'm going to teach foster how to line dance come join ( so Stella join them ) Okay it's it's a basic 32 count four wall dance
EF= Okay
SB= you start with your weight on your left foot and you go toe,toe.heels,heel.toe, toe, heel, toe,heel,toe ( they do that dance)
S= hey have .. have you notice uh severide been a little extra around me lately
EF= extra how
S= just like going out of his way to be around me more often. Otis when is it out to me but I was just thinking that it's just his way of solid flying that we're buddies now right
SB= yeah
EF= sure
S= Right that's what I thought no big deal OK yeah what's next
SB= then we do a step,kick, step together
EF= but you're cool with the buddy thing right that's what you wanted
S= oh yeah totally
EF= good
SB= OK so we're a little out of step so one, two, three, four, heel
S= what am I doing
SB= it's the cowboy hustle
S= I think I need more coffee

I walked away from the girls because I though talking to them would help me clear my head about Kelly but it didn't work it about half and hour later me and some of the guys sit down with our lunch and all of sudden Herman phones goes off
(On the phone with Cindy) 
H= perfect timing Cindy. Hey sweetheart what's up...... well what are you waiting for open it....... oh you got to be kidding me. ( to the people in the room) it's a letter from the IRS Molly's is getting audited what did I tell you our lucky has ran out that st. Bernard mug was the only thing keeping failure at day ( back on the phone) keep reading Cindy what  else does it say
O= there's no such thing as bad luck
S= he doesn't know that

Now at this point I start freaking I hope I am not that reason Herman loose Molly's he always been good to me since I cane to work at 51

At Molly's 

Me and Otis are keeping a eye out the whole time we been here for the guy and hope he shows up and also Herman doesn't notice or know 

S= have you seen my mug guy
O= no and I've been giving out general descriptions but no one knows him
S= we're doomed
O= I pulled all the credit card receipts from the other night
S= oh okay
O= maybe we can figure it out using these
S= it worth a shot but  Herman cannot know I hope it works 
( they go back to work)

Kelly's pov: ever since me and stella worked on that case that  involve child endangerment a couple days ago it felt good to spend time with her and I love spending so much time with Stella and it brought back old memories I had when we were together and I miss it so ever since then I've been hanging out most the time at mollies specially on the days she works until close. Tonight I'm going to molly's again to see if I can help Stella find the Drunk guy from the other  night that took the mug so she doesn't feel bad that she put curse on Molly's after I walk in and sit down with in a few seconds Emily walks over to me

EF= hey there
K= hey
EF= um... so what are you up to
K= what
EF= you know what I'm asking
K= I can't get her off my mind the truth is we were good together and I miss it
EF= The two of you broke up for a reason
K= I know
EF= do you severide you put her through the ringer this last time you were half and half out. Like whenever things got tough if ylyou're not ready to step up and be worthy of Stella then you need to back the hell up and let her move on
( Emily walks away)
Once she walks away I start think of what she said I stay at Molly's that night to see if I can figure what I should do 

Stella pov: The drunk guy didn't show up at all at molly's last night so luckily Otis found his name and we were able to get his address so I drove over there right before shift to see if he has the Mug 

S= Ted Beecham
DG= yeah
S= this is great, so great um i'm still at work at Molly's  pub
DG= what... what are you doing here
S= well the other night I give you a big mug with a St. Bernard on it
DG= oh yeah guliver
S= yes yeah guliver um I need that back
DG= oh I gave it to my dad yeah he love that dog and he's been sick so
S= oh jeez i'm, i'm very sorry to hear that how sick
DG= oh he's got a pretty bad cold the cough keeps him up at night he like( he makes coughing noises)
S= just a "that's great that's great ted I really need that mug back
DG= sorry you can't have it
S= ted listen to Molly's very existence  hangs in the balance
DG= i'll give it back to you for 100 bucks
S= a 100 buc.... uh ted I gave it to you for free( he shrugs his shoulders) fine get it back from your dad and bring it to firehouse 51  by the end of the day and I will give you l00 bucks
( he agree and she left for work) 

Right now I am at work waiting for Ted to bring me that mug and hopefully Herman does not see him and I can get it back as soon as possible to Molly's. He brings it back but I made a mistake and left it on the spot where Mouch sits and he sat right on it and I try to fixed it at Molly's the next day but then Herman catches me and told me that all the stuff that he got a call about was not about Molly's and so me and Otis throw the broken mug away

Kelly's pov: ever since Emily talk to me I've been thinking about everything she said and honestly it's the truth I need to get my stuff together and make Stella Feel worthy  because she is the most amazing person I ever met  she doesn't need somebody like me to keep dragging her down all the time. So I decided to skip Molly's tonight and go to a ceremony that honor Cruz and hopefully I can get my life together soon so I can be with Stella again

Authors note: what did you guys think about Emily going up to Kelly and telling him what she did do you think she should've been the one that said it or do you think somebody else or nobody at all please leave me feedback on what your thoughts on this episode is

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