Chapter 13

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"Yoongi !"

She let go of my hand as she walked over to Yoongi. Everyone was gathered outside my studio.

" Where were you, Y/n ?" Yoongi asked her, showing concern in his face.

" I went out with Joon. You were busy so I didn't told you about it." She replied in a small voice.

" I brought you a gift." She changes the subject. She took the bags from my hands and showed Suga what she got.

" I got you this sweater. It's not branded but it's something I could afford." She smiles at him. He smiled at her, praising her gift.

" Why don't we go out for dinner tonight? As my way of saying thank you." Suga suggested to Y/n.

" She doesn't want to eat in a restaurant. She wants to try some street food." I replied gaining each person's attention. Y/n nodded in agreement.

" Alright. Then I'll cook for you tonight." Suga replied.

" Really ?" She asked excitedly.

" Hyung, we are hungry too." Jimin teased him.

" Get a girlfriend. Maybe then I'll consider inviting you." Suga replied as Y/n giggled.

Saying so, the couple left for their home. Others invited me for dinner but I refused to join them. I went inside my studio to only meet with loneliness.

I sighed. I had plans with Y/n. I wanted her to listen to the song I produced for her but seems like she wouldn't be interested in listening to it.

" Can I come in ?" I heard Hoseok asking for permission.

" Ne." I smiled.

" Namjoon-ah, I want to talk about something." He said in a serious tone.

" Yeah. Sure." I nodded. We sat down on the couch.

" What are your feelings towards Y/n ?" He asked directly.

" What ?"

" I have known you for years. I know you've feeling for Y/n. It shows in your eyes. " He justified.

My eyes lost contact with his as I try to come up with an excuse.

" Namjoon, I'm not here to make you feel bad about it but you see, Y/n is already in a relationship."

" I know. I never realized when I fell for her." I replied trying to justify myself.

" I believe your love is genuine towards her but she's already in a relationship. I came to you because I don't want anyone else to notice it and confront you regarding this matter."

" I know. I-I cannot... cannot keep her out of my mind." I hesitated.

" I know it's gonna be difficult for you but I think it's a perfect time. You know, the album is coming out in few days. All of us are gonna be busy with performances, tour and other schedules. " He said.

" So I think during this time, you can try to forget her. I mean its better for the friendship you share with Yoongi and Y/n. You understand my words, right ?"

" I understand, Hoseok." I replied with a smile.

I understand.

I understand that she won't love me.

Even if I confess to her.

But love is forever endearing.

It cannot be stopped.

This is the closest I could get to her.

I am afraid.

If I let go...

Will she ever come back to me?

Even though, I know...

She is not mine.

But I don't understand.

Why my heart keeps getting attracted to you?

I don't want to hurt you.

By telling you about my feelings.

So I have decided.....

I would move on.

But I would still love you.

I would still listen to your talks.

I would still laugh at our silly jokes.

" Goodbye, Joon. Take care of yourself." She said as she hugged me tightly. " and bear with it." She whispered in my ear, referring to the second-hand embarrassment I go through while answering the questions of the interviewer overseas.

I chuckled as we parted. All the members got inside the car, ready to leave for LA for our first performance of our new album in a show.

I would still long for the warmth I felt in your arms.

I would still long for the impossible to happen.

I would still long for the day...

When you would fall in love with me.

I plugged in my earbuds and played the song that I dedicated to her.

I plugged in my earbuds and played the song that I dedicated to her

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