After class I tried to remain on the downlow but I was shoved from the side. "Teachers' pet." Kathryn scoffed, on my other side Hank Scott stepped on my foot, as if his comment before wasn't enough. 

Is it too much to ask to just get to lunch without being pushed around for.. something I didn't even want. There were some girls laughing at me as put my book into my locker and I watched a stack of 'love letters' fall toward me. One from Kathleen, one from Kate, one from Mira, one from Madelyn, one from Brittany, one from Heather, and those are just the ones in pink..

I want to cry.

I want to go home.

Why the fuck am I treated like this when I was the one all those girls were forced onto? Michelle.. Natalie.. Angie.. oh god I wish I could forget their name's and faces after what they did to me, but the things everyone does to me daily won't let me live it down... "Aww, lover boy looks like he's gonna cry!" Natasha Ramirez calls out to her best friend, Isabelle. "Oh, cry me a river, pretty boy," Isabelle raised her eyebrows and pushed up her overly exposed chest in my direction. "What, you gonna get me kicked out too?" Natasha pushes me toward my locker as Isabelle's body presses against mine. 

I can't breath. They laugh, and I can't breath.. I don't want this, I don't want this again. "I-i.. I don't... I d-don't w-want.. this.." I tried to shrink away, to curl up, to hide. I can't go through this again, they can't hurt me again. Dear god, please..

"Stand down Hoe one and Hoe two, can't you see this kid doesn't want your disgusting prostitute germs all over him." Both Natasha and Isabelle are shoved to the side and I see Pit grab me by the arm. "P-pit-" "Shh, it's okay, I won't let them touch you." He whispers to me. "You got a bad attitude, Icarus!" "Bet that's all you ever learned from that daddy of yours." Oh great, now they're insulting him too. This is too much, these people are terrible.

Letting go of me momentarily, Pit crosses his arms and glares at the two, now terrified, teenage girls. "Don't forget who I am and what your place in this school is you half-dressed, R-rated, bitches. No matter who you are, or whether or not you are a girl, I will not hesitate to beat your ass and get you locked up. Don't you ever use those dirty mouths to talk like that to me, Robin, or anyone I know ever again. Do you hear me?" The two girls were now shaking in their skanky heeled boots as Pit made them shrink back into the lockers. It makes sense, his reputation didn't come from nowhere after all, he will not tolerate people as easily as the rest of us..

"Hey Robin, let's go." He nudged me comfortingly, speaking much softer with me than he did with them. I nod and follow him toward the cafeteria, there at a small round table in the back were all the others were sat. 

"Hey guys!" Dark called out, sounding just as happy as usual. I shot back a, "Hey!" And Pit just sat beside him. After sitting down Ike looked at me rather confused and tried to place a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.. I didn't oppose to his touch but I feel he could sense me tense up. "I'm sorry... it nearly happened again." I whispered and he nodded, knowing what I meant. Rather than talk about it we just sat side by side in comfortable silence. 

"Hey Robin let's go get something to eat." Pit called out to me and raise my head to look up at him surprised. "I thought you 'weren't hungry'." Roy teased him and Pit rolled his eyes, "I eat when I want Roy, I won't conform to the eating schedule every other person tries to stick to." After their friendly bickering Pit and I walked over to where they serve food and looked over all the options. "Anything look good Kid? Cause I am really in the mood for burgers." I gave him a look, but then couldn't hold in my smile and began to laugh. "Okay, sure, cheeseburgers it is!" After getting said cheeseburgers and going back to our friends I swear I heard Roy speaking in a teasing tone. "Ooh, such a romantic." He cooed in Link's direction and batted his eyelashes. Dark snorted and Marth stood up for him. "Come on guys, I think it's pretty cute!" Apparently Pit heard the last sentence and sat back down before taking a bite out of his burger. "What's cute?" He asked, and the others all gave each other a glance. 

"Link was telling us about his.. d-" "Horse." Link interrupted Marth, he knew as well as I did Marth wanted to say 'dog' to make it believable, but really Link? Horse? "Horse?" Pit also looked confused. Ike and I both gave Link a 'your'e fucked' looked and he just smiled like he knew what he was doing. "Yeah, her name's Epona. She's the smartest, prettiest, horse I've ever had the pleasure of taming." Now I don't know whether or not this is real.. or if he's just a really good actor. "That's pretty cool." Pit complimented, it was a really sweet sentiment coming from him before took another bite out of a nearly finished burger, completely ruining the sweet moment. "Wow, you sure like hamburgers.." Ike observed, trying to save Link in attempts to change the subject and distract Pit. It worked, Pit finished his burger before shooting Ike a glare. "Well it's been a while since I last had one and I forgot they were this good, get off my dick." He mumbled the last part but we still heard him and all laughed. 

Moments like these are the ones I don't want to forget.

Same as Usual (Pit x Link)Where stories live. Discover now