Durarara!-Brother Problems

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In this Areum's the sister of Shizuo returning home after finishing her studies abroad with her friend Yejin who's new around.


"What do you mean Russia Sushi?" Yejin questions Areum on the phone. "I hate fish you know that."
"Yeah well I'm already there so hurry up," Areum replies then hangs up.
"Great now if I only knew where I wa-"

"Izaya!!!!!!!" Someone shouts then nearly hits Jin with a vending machine with Izaya not far from her.
"He never changes does he?" Jin sighs as she watches a blonde continue to throw things at Izaya. "Hey could you not?" Jin questions him tapping his shoulder.

"Stay out of this," the blonde one warns.


"Ow," Jin looks at the knife embedded in her right arm. "Nice aim." She says casually turning to face Izaya as she withdraws the blade from her arm then tucks it away. "Man that hurts, but the knife's definitely gonna come in handy. Now I have a reason to fight you know because that means I can hurt you now."

"Oh a new one," Izaya taunts the short red head in front of him. Laughing he continues to throw knives at his new chess piece. Some of the knives being thrown back at him unnotice did it go when he realize some of his knives were being slowly tuck away from sight until she launch back and threw a vary of them.
"Thanks for the knives, but now I'm definitely late to meet the cherry at the top of a sundae," With that her phone rings.

Pulling it out she answers the call. "Yeah I'll be there in a few .... I'm sorry sheez. No need to yell a- Ok Ok I swear you get meaner by the age .... I am not irresponsible! Am not!" As she argued on the phone back turn Izaya sees it as an opening and throws yet another knife only for her to catch it then toss it to the ground as she casually walks away.

"Ok yes I'm bleeding .... Yeah the arm again ...... Yeah I'll get it check out sometime this week .... I'm heading there right now I promise. Yeah yeah I bet your brother's a hottie ... Of course I have no shame ... Look I'm single too you know besides your not always the third wheel .... Are not! This would have been easier if you had say yes to that other guy but nooo you wanted to be heart eyes for some hacker leaving me to break people ...... Well it's not my fault their funny. Hey I didn't hurt him he was just there at the wrong time that's all. What do you mean your brother isn't there yet? And your angry at me for being late?"

After a few incoherent words were exchange Jin finally hangs up and twirls around to face the blonde that nearly hit her. "Hey buddy your bleeding," She casually says as she takes her green overcoat off to reveal a grey halter top with blue jeans and black boots. Taking out a small medical kit from her coat pocket she forces him to sit while she tends to his injuries then her own. "That should make up for the fight now I'm off to see my friend. See you around."




"You had me worried sick! You know how I hate being left alone! What did you do this time?!?" Areum shouts.
"I ran with a knife in my hand then slip on rug and that's that," I answer simply then see the guy from earlier. "So your her brother?" I question raising a brow at him to which he nearly chokes on his cigartette. "You know you'll get cancer with those," I smile at him then pull it out from his mouth leaving him flabbergasted.

"You two know each other?" Areum questions between the two of us.
"He was hurt so I helped him," I answer as I toss the cigarette in the trash.
"Wo you both look like princesses!" A girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes shouts walking over to us followed by a light colored hair male with his eyes shut.
"I'm more of a noble knight," I comment. "Maybe even a gypsy."
"I'm Erika Karisawa," the girls speaks up then points over to her friend. "This is Walker Yumasaki."

"Yejin Noe and this is Areum Heiwajima," I introduce ourselves.
"Shizuo has a sister?" Erika questions looking between Shizuo and Areum.
"Yeah," Areum states. "Different mom's but we love each other."
"You know Areum not gonna lie," I look over at Shizuo who obviously wants to leave. "Your brother's just as hot as you."

"Bisexual?" Walker questions to which I nod at.
"Not that it matters," I then shrug and check my phone in surprise to see a message from some unknown number. Someone just tried to hack my phone. "Who is Izaya Orihara?" I read outloud as Walker and Erika walk away not so long ago.

"That flea i-"

Areum cuts Shizou off with a frown. "A dangerous guy who likes to manipulate people. Keep away from him."
"Manipulate people huh?" I smile to which she pales then grabs me by the shoulders.
"Don't you ever on any circumstances provoke him," she warns me.

"What if the teme hurt me first?" I question to which she clutches my injured arm. The pressure on it being a little more than just a needle.
"You got hurt because your an idiot too just like him and when two idiots meet things get bad," She says speaking to me as if I were a child.
"Look we can either get along or become enemies either way he gets in my way he's so not gonna bother me ever again," I answer with tears in my eyes smacking her hand away. "That really hurts you know."

"Sorry I'm just really scared that's all."
"Because you two are just so scary."
"But like a knight in chess I can protect you."


What an interesting pawn you are Jin Izaya thought to himself laughing then with a spin of his chair types away on his laptop. "Wonder just how fun you'll be to play with."

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