Careless-Meteor Garden Part 1 of 10

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Areum POV
"Lady Areum wake up you'll be late on your first day to Ming De University with Ye-Jin or Jun?" The stranger dressed as a butler questions confused.

"Hyeon your to kind," I groan rolling my eyes."It's Saturday I still have one day of sleep."

"Check your calendar again my lady it clearly states that today is in fact Monday," he replies.

Stretching my arms out I rub the rest of sleep out of my eyes then walk over to the holographic calender created by a project Ye and I've been working on.
Skimming through a few files I scream in realization.

I sway back and forth as I await for Areum.

She hasn't replied back to my text so I can't question her.

Ming De University

I'm a senior majoring in Art while Areum is a freshman in my major. I don't know how exactly I got here but I'll just wait here.

That's what I'll do (SPN reference)

Areum POV
Huffing I run finally arriving at Ming De University.

Seeing a bored Ye I jump her."SorryI'mlateIthoughttodaywasSundayandohmygoshI'msotired," I nearly shout as I hug her.

"It's fine I'm just glad your safe here but you should really hurry orientation is starting for you," Ye points out as students around us gave us odd looks.

"Oh crap your right ahh help me Ye!" I look at her pleadingly with my cheeks puffed out.

"Fine fine just stop making that face," she looks away from me as she takes my hand in her own.
"You're so weird and short you know that right Ye?" I question her confused.
"Yeah I know," she sighs.

Following her we finally halt to a stop.

Not far from my vision stood a group of males.

More specifically F4.

They all look as attractive as I first met them especially Hua but I have to keep Areum safe from them.

"Ye?" Areum questions.
"Lets go," I say letting go of her hand.
"Thanks for the help," she replies a bit on edge.
"Just call or text me if you need anything," I reply.
On my search for lunch I instead spot Areum with three other freshmen.

"Hey Ari did you eat lunch yet?" I question approaching her.

Her stomach growls in starvation.

"You really shouldn't miss out on meals it's bad for the body," I scold.

"I know I was just distracted I made new friends. They're freshmen like me but in the nutrition department," She explains.

"It's nice to meet you three," I smile.
"Aren't you Ye-Jun?" One of them notice.
"Yes but I'd prefer it if you'd call me Ye," I take her hand in my own to shake then shake the other two.

"I'm Li Zhen," the girl I shook hands with first introduces herself.
"I'm Dong Shan Cai and this is my best friend Chen Qing," Shan Cai greets.
"As much as I'd like to hang out with you three I must go art isn't going to wait for me," I excuse myself and leave.

"I'm surprised that you'd allow me to interveiw you of all people," Guo admits."But I do have to ask why?"

"I see potential in you. You're a junior majoring in journalism and very smart. You know exactly what my name is even when I haven't spoken to you until now. Guo Cai Jie," I say her name slowly on purpose causing her face to turn red.
Areum POV
"I apologize we were in search of a male with green shoes you see he broke her phone but ignored it and continued on his way with a crowd," I explain as calmly as I could.
Thank you Ye.
"I understand," Mr.Bobbit smiles for my ambition to clarify the truth.

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