Careless Part 9 of 10

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Areum POV
Nodding Shancai and I smile.

"Ready and go!"

"F4 can go to hell!!!" Shancai and I shout in unison.
"You two shout it too," we spoke in sync. Creeping the two out.


Since when were they so close?

"Right," I nod to Quinghe. He nods back and swallows his fear.
"F4 can go to hell!!!!" We shout.
"Pictures!!!" Areum cheers on. Coming in like the paparazzi I snap pictures of us.

"Poses!" I shout joining in a few.
"There's the yacht we bought," Areum and I point out.
"Wo that looks very expensive," Quinghe spoke shock.
"Yeah," I yawn.
"I'll give you two a detour," Areum smiles letting them in.
"Here's the rooms that's the restroom and here's a view of the fish in the water,"I hear her voice echo.

Let's see flipping a few switches we begin to move. "Oh hey it's that guy," I point at spiky hair along with F4.
They brought what I assume were their girlfriends. Parking beside us Daoming Si frowns at the sight of us.
"That your yacht?" He questions.

"That how big your ego is pineapple?" I retort back.
"Why are you here?" Shancai questions.
"I can go wherever I want in this planet," He smirks at her."Do I need to have a reason?"
"Yet you chose to be here," Areum frowns.

"Just leave us be coward," I reply perplexed on whether to speak in pirate or british terms.
"Ah no girlfriend? Or are you on a double date?" He questions.
"Unlike you we respect a person whether they're male or female," Areum buts in.
"I see you haven't learn a bloody thing about manners," I glare.

"Oh I have just not any towards you all," with that he walks away.

Areum POV

"Ye-Jun ..... Shancai Areum," Jing smiles mostly towards Ye-Jun.
"I see you've decided to wear one of my designs," Ye-Jun approves.

Is Jing really a cheater?

"Suits me well thank you for the book," she smiles.
"You're here too?" Shancai questions.
"I was just telling them how bored they were making me. We're having a party tonight you all should come," Jing smiles. I see so she's plotting something of a way to embarass us.

Possibly or she could be planning something darker. Either way I don't like the way she's looking at Ye-Jun.
"Come on I'm sure Lei, won't mind you all coming right Lei?" She questions.
"Not all," He replies. His eyes glued on Ye-Jun as well.

"I'm going to head back then," Ye-Jun says quick to leave.
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" I question the tator tot.
"I'll think about it," The sour patch kid walks away.
"The more the merrier come on I'll choose dresses for the two of you by Ye-Jun's design of course," she smiles taking both Shancai's and my hand.

"You should loosen up Ye-Jun maybe you'll find someone. You've always had better luck with dating than me," Areum frowns.
"And who do you love?" I question raising a brow.
"..... Daoming Si," she blushes.
"Of course," I sigh trying to fix my sleeves.

"Here let me help," Areum spoke in mother mode as she fixed my sleeve.
"Thanks," I sigh again.
"Look if I'm going you are too. You wouldn't want to abandon me would you?" She questions.
"Did I walk in at the wrong time?" Jing questions.

"Not at all," Areum yawns."I'll go check on Shancai." She shuts the door behind her leaving Jing with me.
After an awkward silence she decides to break the ice.
"My birthday is next week," she states.

With no respond back she decides to continue on. "I'd like for you to come," she smiles handing me the letter.
Her body dangerously close to my own. "Thank you but I may not be able to attend," I frown seeing the date.
"Just think about it. I'd really want you to go," she smiles.

Nodding my head I push her away. "Tell Areum I'll see her at the party," I leave.

Appearing I sigh. "Hey Ye-Jun you showed up," Meizou smiles.
"Yeah .... Is Areum here?" I question.
"Yeah you should have a drink with us," Ximin holds out a cup.
"Brought my own but thanks for the offer," I reply taking a sip of my tequila.

"Our drinks aren't strong enough?" Ximin questions.
"She has partied alot back then," Meizou shrugs. Turning I see Shancai, Areum, and Jing in dresses. They look great in my designs.
"Nice work Jing I see you've been working on the outfits," I comment.

"Thank you but they're your designs so the credit should go all to you," She smiles.
"Impressive very impressive," I comment.
"Oh now watch it Ye-Jun you'll make Lei jealous," Ximin laughs.
"Like I have any interest on what makes him jealous I barely acknowledge anyone," I comment.
Hitting my shoulder Areum huffs.

"I know you don't want to be here but you could pretend to be happy," Areum pleads me.
"Fine I'll .... Go talk to those," I walk to said direction with a near to empty bottle of tequila. I drink fast.

Areum POV
Did she really just leave me to drink?

Dancing I try to ignore the bad feeling in my gut. Turning around I see the reason of source.


Shancai fell on top of Daoming.
Lips pressed against each other.





I need a drink.

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