Bleach-Accept Me Part 1

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This takes place a little before the Espadas kidnap Orihime. Jin's in a situation similar to Neliel and will meet Areum who's going by the name of Chihaya Urahara 'son' of Kisuke Urahara. Chihaya aka Areum is a visored in incognito as a male who's been protecting Ichigo and Orihime in the shadows while maintaining a normal school life. Jin's memories of the past are void of remembrance and what she does know is what she read in books by Neliel's doing.


"Do cooperate with me. If this keeps up I'll be late for school," Chihaya spoke towards a hollow with a skeletal form resembling that of a goat. Some would think twice against such a creature, but not Chihaya who had everything plan out. Atleast Chihaya thought 'he' did. "I'm definitely going to be late," he sighs shaking his head in absolute pity.

'If this continues my grades will drop,' he thinks then slashes the hollow who merely headbutts Chihaya then hops from left to right as if this were a game and begin to shrink.

"What the?"

Given another slash the lower half of the hollow's mask cracks. As if the hollow wore a cloak it began to shed the black fur like cloth it 'wore'. Reverting to that of a childlike state the hollow's black fur reveals red locks.

"What in the shinigami are you?" Chihaya questions outloud poking it with her zanpukato. Just as she does so the zanpukato is flung to the side as the small figure stretches it's arm out. Similar motion to one would do after a nap. The small figure opens it's eyes to reveal a barky flame mixture. Something in the eyes of the creature devoid of life froze Chihaya in place.

Tilting it's head to the side Chihaya realises the being in front of her was not in fact a monster, but a child with immense power similar to that of a shinigami and hollow. A possible experiment of some mad scientist. "Father's not going to like this."


Chihaya POV

"She's asleep now," Ururu sighs. Needless to say the little red girl put up quite the chase greeting Tessai and Kisuke with a headbutt while Jinta laughs and Ururu caught her with the help of food.

"She's definitely like a kid."

"And you said you found her with a goat mask?" Kisuke questions to which I nod.
"That explains why she greeted us like that," Jinta says recovering from the source of laughter.
"She doesn't know any better," Tessai groans taking a breather.
"So what now?" I question dad with my arms crossed.

"You go to school. We'll take care of her and I'll see what I can do to find out what's with the child until then you and Ururu are on clothes and bathing duty," Kisuke answers.

~One Week Later~

"Why are you always late?" Rukia questions a pretense to care about my attendance.
"My little sister has tantrums," I answer.
"You have a sister?" Ichigo questions.
"Yeah," I reply.
"Why haven't we seen her?" Orihime questions.

"My old man's paranoid about her," I shrug continuing my lie.
"How old is she?" Chad asks.
"Five and a half," I lie.
"When can we meet her?" Uryū
"When I'm dead," I say bluntly.

"I see your dad's not the only who's paranoid," Ichigo jokes.
"He's just a protective big brother," Tatsuki assures them understanding. She is the same towards Orihime. A bond like sisters.
"Sorry ... I'll think about bringing her to the park. She'll love to meet more people but we'll have to be careful she's ..... A little weird on how she says hi to people," I admit recalling earlier events.


"Yay! Big brother is taking me outside!" the little red head chirps hopping side to side as she claps her hands together.
"So this is her?" Ichigo questions as Chad stood on his left with Orihime on his right and Rukia beside her.

"This is Chad an-"

"Hi Peach I'm Jin," Jin smiles at Orihime who holds her hand out. Instead of taking her hand Jin jumps back then hides behind me.
"It's called a handshake Jin," I answer her unspoken question.
"Why am I Peach?" Orihime questions clueless.
"Because your sweet like one," Jin answers then headbutts Ichigo who falls right on his butt.

"Jin I told you that's not how you say hi to people," Just as I was about to grab her she stands shaking her head.
"But he was really tall and strong looking," Jin says dodging Rukia to greet Chad. "Oh you're so tall can I call you big brother?" She marvels at his height.
"Hey I'm your brother," I say pointing a finger to myself.

"So? Why can't I have another brother?" She questions looking directly at me.

Emo corner it is

"Hey it's okay Chihaya we all have family problems," Rukia says as Orihime pats my back and Ichigo nods. When the day was finally up Chad had Jin over his shoulder with her constantly calling him brother while Orihime was Peach, Rukia was big sis, and Ichigo was Carrot. Of course she and Ichigo had an arguement about why his name was Strawberry instead of Carrot but yeah ..... That was cut short with the others on Jin's side.

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